This blog will address the importance of relational angles and perspectives in terms of mathematical coneptual angles: 60/30 as seen in nature from both an aerodynamic flight perspective and from an oceanic swimming perspective.
As one can see in the attached diagrams, scientific research substantiates the advantage of 60/30 in terms of relational friction reduction. This angle allows for "hoist" while eliminating "drag."
Currently, people engage in the mirror stare of friction. People often go to individual or couples therapy to complain about problems or attempt to solve relational issues.
One therapist might suggest to "take turns," when making decisions, another therapist might bring you back to childhood crap which doesn't even include the parental crap that the parents unconsciously spill over onto you.
It's basically like blaming the guy who does something stupid for being retarded. Would we do that? NO . . . because that is overtly "rude." However we covertly do it all the time. We even pay to do it!! For good therapists up to $200/hour.
The generational overlay: G1, G2, G3, G4, G5 (According to the Noah movie . . .5 to be PRecise), is the amount of human sludge we have acquired in the blame game.
Having a Masters in Marriage Family Therapy and having practiced different forms of it for 10 years, I am qualified to say that the entire PSYCH-illogical system is built on a faulty foundations; as is life for that matter as our lives are "base"d on interpersonal and self relations. We are not just somabodies but we utilize words. Truth be told, we actually need to break our language down to practically nothing to start the rebuilt of accuracy and truth, but I won't go there now.
To add to my qualifications on making such a bold statement, I have almost completed my PhD in Somatic and Spiritual Psychology which actually means nothing as almost all of what I have been taught my entire LIEf is a fallacy, but anyway . . . It helped me to go through metamorphosis and sprout wings.
As I was saying, the DSM is entirely flawed. Any and every "mode" of dealing with personal issues and interpersonal relationships "means" no sense.
LIVIN4d provides the "bulbs" of our shoes rather than the roots. I can't speak for you all, but I rather grow toward the something (light or night). I want to be able to exist in a world that is creatively laticed in logic.
LIVIN4d is logic as it is based in math. I will give one caveat to this "math thing." If the math system truly reflected balance and sense of equality, there would be a parallel set of numbers reflecting a scale such as: 1+1=1. Conceptually, this is true equality and value that "I" in and of myself am equal to another. Conceptually speaking, the 1+1=1 concept indicates that we do not "need" another to expand. We in and of ourselves are equal to the sum of all our parts. This stated, it is nice to have interpersonal relations.
How would you re-write a math equation to speak for this concept? I might re-write it like 1+1 double infinity 1. Conceptually this would exemplify the mutual exchange of energy. The flows and receptions in both directions.
As for the angles of lIVIN4d's mathematical foundation tennets, applied to relational disagreements, let's examine the 90 degree angle.
Among interpersonal relations on any level of society, if there is a disagreement, it can best be described using the 90 degree angle concept. At first thought, one might imagine a 180 degree angle as two people stand facing each other in arguement. This logically makes no sense however as it symbolocally represents the mirrored stair and is metaphorically flatlined.
We are not mirrors of self, we are 3 different personality types. Let's take the traditional relationship consisting of 2 people. When in argument, imagine a 90 degree angle as one person looks with vantage point or view, straight ahead to the North. Imagine the other person in relation looking due East with his/her unique vantage point. This mathematical concepts starts to eliminate the stair 180 configuration.
The 90 degree angle allows for an actual climb! Other than the climb in a positive direction, let's take the 90 degree angle one step further. Add an extended folcrum to change the view (Folcrum is a separate concept thay will be addressed later).
If you were to negotiate 50/50 or take turns as traditional therapists might suggest, it mathematically bisects the 90 at a 45. This 45 degree angle results in 50/50 which reverts us back to the stare as no leverage is made in any direction. Fast forward to (t2) time 2 and we have the same result: the stare.
LIVIN4d adds the "eye" contributing to the STAIR or climb of connection in a relationship. From an angled perspective, on a shared platform (Tennet 2), if one takes a 60 degree angle and the other takes a 30 degree angle, the rise and run factor is adjusted such that actual movement occurs.
Let's face it, we are not clones of ourselves, nor is it helpful to impose our opinions onto others, nor is it helpful to remain in the 50/50 debate or the 45 degree angle as this concept will continuously keep us facing North and East.
To repeat, the 60/30 interpersonal angle allows for a step in the vertical direction of relational dynamics. This stated, depending on the interaction, at times one person will take the rise and the other the run and vice versa. It is for this reason that upon entering dialogue, Tennet 2 and Tennet 3 should be grounded and x,y determined in order to evaluate personal scale of importance and hence adherence to the the x or the y in any given engagement.
As one can see in the attached diagrams, scientific research substantiates this relational concept from both an aerodynamic and nautical perspective in that bird flight patterns and fish swim at these angles for advantageous reasons in terms of friction control.
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