Livin4d's innovative personality categorization system seeks to depathologize much of current psychological diagnostic manuals. The world of mental health, schools, insurance "et al." examine life's "everything" through veiled ailments. livin4d sets life's "everything" free to fly with unlimited potential.
Following are examples of our current views in the world:
-Babies are measured against strict developmental scales and if not meeting narrow parameters, failing to thrive.
-Children's artwork is viewed through lenses of molestation and abuse.
-Teenagers' individuality and artistic manifestations are seen as problematic.
-Adults who do not work from 9-5 are "issues to society."
- Elderly become "alzheimerish" and have dimentia as soon as they stop working 9-5.
-Children's artwork is viewed through lenses of molestation and abuse.
-Teenagers' individuality and artistic manifestations are seen as problematic.
-Adults who do not work from 9-5 are "issues to society."
- Elderly become "alzheimerish" and have dimentia as soon as they stop working 9-5.
-"It's time" to start expanding our views of normalcy and consequently increasing our operational realms in this world.
-"It's time" to start accepting human diversity as "normal" in all facets of life.
-"It's time" to stop living in such structured boxes for it is these square minded parameters that stunt growth in all areas of life.
-"It's time" to start accepting human diversity as "normal" in all facets of life.
-"It's time" to stop living in such structured boxes for it is these square minded parameters that stunt growth in all areas of life.
Livin4d's new way of categorizing people allows for more acceptance of uniqueness sans the problematic interference blocking success. To restate, it is the current human's need to pathologize every personality, every behavior, every expression and practically every human interchange that blocks the expansion of human psyche, interpersonal closeness and fruition of ideas.
By viewing people with 3 distinct personalities as opposed to "one prototype," we allow for a much greater range of "normalcy," consequently eliminating human 'drag' that keeps potential brilliance from thriving. (Drag often results in resistance consequently adding to more hinderence of human growth potential).
As livin4d primarily focuses on chromosome 3p25.3, the rs53576 single nucleotide polymorphism for Oxytocin of which there are 3 variants, livin4d will begin depathologizing already existing current research articles' writing methodology.
Much of current research surrounding Oxytocin has a built in "better than" spectrum assumption. Current research states that GG alleles have "higher empathy" and "better social skills" while AA alleles have "less empathy" and "less social skills."
This outlook creates a heirarchical concept that is simply erroneous. Livin4d believes that both groups AA and GG as well as the heterozygous (A,G) Green group have intrinsic assets. There are no negative qualities of any group. There are only different ways of understanding each group.
Learning how to collaborate with and enance each color GPT will only better our species as a whole. Forward momentum will not happen by stating that one group has more empathy than another group as there is an intrinsic negative implication to the "non-empathic" group.
Furthermore, AA does not have "less empathy," rather they somatically feel more and utilize less "empathic" words to converse. It could actually be argued that they have more "empathy" of the non-verbal variety.
That said, it is important to bridge the current gap between GG and AA so that people can form better relationahips. Learning each other's genetically based personalities resulting in different ways of being in the world via livin4d will bridge this gap.
Current research surrounding Oxytocin involves such tests as "Beck Depression Inventory," "Reading of Mind Test," "Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire," "Other Oriented Empathy Scale," and more. Livin4d views all these scientific tests surrounding the population Oxytocin comparison as flawed in that they intrinsically have the "traditional empathy" concept built in.
Again, to reiterate, by comparing the 3 personality types via scientific tests that revolve around "talk empathy" determined as "better than" by the empathic talkers . . . Will not promote cohesion of our societies. It could be argued that if "empathic" individuals (GG) only talked less, they could be more open to somatic empathy as expressed in (AA) individuals.
livin4d will not include any pre-existing methodologies and/or scientifically "valid" research ANOVAs, tests, variance references, longitudinal studies etc in any form as reference as livin4d believes the verbage even used to create these tests are flawed.
livin4d is ONLY based on empirical raw scientific data: DNA - the primary building blocks to life with NO awry kinks resulting in falsely constructed buildings.
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