Wednesday, 30 September 2015

41. Chemistry: Stoichometric Balancing of Relationships

(>|<)r+p= -q (Receiver Result Equation Applied to Dynamic Relationships)
(>|<)r+p= -q
Receiver Angle plus Provider/Presenter = negative Truth/Trust
It often seems that when a "Provider/Presenter," whether it be an acquaintance, a friend, a romance, an educational setting and/or a business interaction is stating something from his/her (p) framework about his/her (p) life, the  Receiver (r) angles (>|<) the content share through his/her (p) lens.
The angling of (p)'s truth through (r)'s lens of view, subsequent assumptions and feedback results not only in -(q), a refraction or beding of truth, but it often results in a (-) response of (p) represented in the following relational equation:
(>|<)r+p= -q
Therefore q+(>|<)= - p
Emotional and cognitive parallel examples to the above mathematical theorem include but are not limited to the following:
(p) Provider/Presenter response to (>|<)r response
Adult Presenter (AP) version
(Acting Out) toward other
-Upset (loss of feeling other's love)
-Withdraw/pull away/silence
-Return yelling
(Acting In) toward self
-upset (loss of self)
-Manifestations of eating issues
-Self hatred/self punishment
-Psychosomatic manifestations
-Tichotilomania, OCD, Touretts and other related forms of repetitive
Kid Presenter version
As a Kid's personality is in the shaping process, the p results are slightly different from adult p results of the above equation as is presented in the following examples:
Acting Out  (toward other)
Gang joining
Name calling
Verbal resolution attempt mimicry  patterns
Acting In (toward self)
"Shame" or "shy" erroneous beliefs
Eating disorders
Friendship making tactics
Self esteem
Self awareness
These resulting examples are due to the communicational  breakdown of provider/presenter and receiver based on our current modalities of interacting and lack of psyche awareness.
The above mentioned lists are boxed in categories within the outdated DSM-5, but as the tiers of categorization currently exist due to faulty ways of rearing our current children and living our adult lives, LIVIN4D utilizes existing language for understanding purposes as we are not yet all on the other side. LIVIN4d  meets us where we are currently at in order to connect the dots for our future expansion.
Aside from acting out and acting in manifestations, (>|<)r results in adults' relational friction.  As we all are part of an interwoven living communal organism, friction affects our interpersonal relationships on all levels. lIVIN4d provides blueprints for eliminating this friction.
(>|<)r results in the shaping of Kid Presenters' (KP) Genetic Personality Types.
Remember that each Kid (as does the adult) has one of three GPTs (blue, green, orange) with a (+/-) FOX P2 language spin option: 3 types with 3 subtype options, same as adults resulting in 6 different overall types of personalities: (bGPT+)(bGPT-) (gGPT+)(gGPT-)(oGPT+)(oGPT-)
(>|<)r in terms of a shaping a child's personality not only refracts KP's self truth, manifesting in the above mentioned acting in and/or acting out scenarios, but it can also result in shutting down facets of personality formation and unique attributes of self. On an individual level, (>|<)r decreases self share and individual expansion of the Kid. On a group level (>|<)r limits structural interaction formations of children.
A human's personality construction is like the growing of a tree. Imagine the tree trunk taking (0-5 years) to build solid stability. A tree starts with a germinating seed. The seed sprouts and roots get dispersed and well established into soil, reaching deep into layers of pre-existing material and nutrients.
This germinating tree can be watered and given nutrients as the personality seed is the "bulb" and "sole" of our existence in its budding formation. With a strong base, it can branch, bud and flower in a myriad of directions.
By utilizing the above math equation and many others, lIVIN4d provides the environmental parameters for optimal self and relational growth beginning in the childhood years.
As we move into adulthood, lIVIN4d provides the network for our branches to share interconnectivity without our emotional limbs snapping as a result of friction.
lIVIN4D is live and organic with base for budding roots and constructional flexibility for uniqueness, "growth," and change over time. Unlike tiered buildings with boxed in categorical assumptions and their inverses, lIVIN4d allows for stigma free creative individuals. It is important to conceptually understand the limitations of erecting buildings with respect to personalilities.
The  foundational process of erecting building is leveling in a couple of ways. It doesn't allow for organic roots to take hold connecting us with the earth and with deeper layers of life energy beyond spoken word. Therefore building foundations place barriers within the flow of generational transcendence. Following the pouring of foundation, walls are erected, segmented and squared off, thus isolating people into boxed existences of soma and psyche.
This building analogy is what the DSM-5 does to our psyches in terms of diagnosing and erroneously categorizing humanity into sicknesses. As the song doesn't go, "we are (not) born sick."
lIVIN4d removes boxed categorizations and bulleted  diagnostic assumptions by providing the bases of life. It is these bases which remain constant both in biology and math. The bases can be arranged and rearranged, planted and replanted. Totipontency allows for circulation across family generations which is quite different from building and bulldozing.
Not with respect to years, but with respect to each angled (>|<)r response of Receiver toward the Kid Presenter (KP) the q floors of psyche  get slanted in the direction of the (>|<)r  or in the direction away from the (>|<)r. This is the natural current of energy. This current of Receiver's energy in the direction of KP results in floors being built for Presenter not for Receiver. lIVIN4d provides blueprints for contoured share allowing for both R and P to retain their authentic selves. lIVIN4d opens doors to previously closed walls for q (self truth)  to grow. Prior to lIVIN4d, r and p have been stunted.
Back to the original equaton:
(>|<)r+p= -q
Therefore q=minus(>|<)r+p
-(>|<) where (-) is not negative, rather it is the elimination of the Receiver's angle or minus the (+ or -), resulting in an ability for Provider/Presenter to grow rather than be shut down (-) or pressured (+) in a direction. This stoichiometric application applies to CGPT interpersonal connections for Kid and Adult cGPTs.
Examples of Receiver effects (Acting In, Acting Out) resulting from angled Provider/Presenter responses  (>|<) were stated above.
Examples of angled Provider/Presenter responses may include but not be limited to:
Quick go to statements
Emotional responses
Self references
(lIVIN4d will provide specific  anecdotal receiver angle and provider/presenter examples in a future blog post.
The above mentioned relational equation is not to imply that people are not entitled to their opinions and/or idea suggestional shares of self with other.
lIVIN4d suggests there is an optimal method in which diffusional  ideas can exchange and enhance self, other and group, thus eliminating friction. The above mathematical stoichiometric equation serves to supplement Tennet 4's "Anchoring concept."
On a generalized social level, the
(>|<)r increases idea share and social expansion of the group on: child, adult, school, business level
Now that I have written all this, I am confusing myself with the balancing of stoichiometry. . . I must move on so if someone catches a mistake and or can conceptually make a better picture in terms of chemical overlay to the Ps and Qs, lIVIN4d opens the invitation to supplement and revise, as LIVIN4d is too comprehensive for any one being to fulfill in its entirety.

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