Tenet 4: Anchoring in livin4d's color Illumination Wheel
The true beauty of livin4d is that for moments in time, it allows us to completely view life and being from the perspective or lens of another as it first grounds us in our own cGPT. Once we are grounded or anchored within our own life's lens, we eliminate the threat of "loss of self."
Perspective or lens can include but is not limited to: (opinion, directive, feedback, tone, choice of words, level of volume range, response format, verbosity, facial expressions, body animations, distance of speaker to receiver, preference of time of day for interaction). As previously mentioned, livin4d has 3 unique types of these lenses, each with a (+/-) subtype.
Prior to livin4d, with the DSM-5's monoview of humanity, if "Receiver" had an opinion different from "Provider," Provider would often feel threatened as there would be a fear of self loss within an interaction.
With previous monoview limitations, there was also the possibility that Receiver would feel threatened by Provider's dialogue. Again, this threat whether imagined or real often resulted in fear of self loss. Friction would often be the end result, which over time resulted in interpersonal and relational demise.
As livin4d differentiates personalities into 3 different types, the pre-existing DSM-5's monoview is eliminated. livin4d illuminates relationships into new colorful hues and combinations resulting in expansions beyond imagination.
Livin4d will "paint" BC and AD options of interpersonal relationships through the use of 2 color wheel analogies: 1. A paint color wheel; 2. A light color wheel.
In applying the paint color wheel analogy to the DSM-5 and the viewing of personalities and interpersonal relationships, if a blue Receiver (bR) were to hear an orange Provider (oP) the paint color blend would result in brown. This mixing of color often resulted in relational friction.
Acrylic and oil paint blends cannot be separated once mixed (or it would at least take a lot of work and additives to separate). When this paint mixture is applied to interpersonal relations, it symbolizes a threat to loss of self resulting in interpersonal friction.
The mixture of a blue paint with a green paint would result in teal, again hard to re-separate into unique forms. The combination of orange and green personality types again resulting in a brown blended color, similar to the blue and orange blend.
In comparison to using the solid paint wheel analogy to the DSM-5, self and interpersonal relations, livin4d illuminates true dynamics of relationships. Therefore a prismatic light wheel will be used for analogy.
Unlike colored paint combinations, colored light combinations can be separated and re-joined at any given point in time, consequently dissipating any sense of self loss, as the self is never eliminated by permanent blending. There is no friction with livin4d's light wheel. Countours are shared or mixed for connected times, never blended.
Like the shaking of a salad mixture of oil and vinegar, one can happily enjoy the savory flavors of both mixed ingredients. When the share is over, the two ingredients return to their original states. No big deal. One can enjoy the same shared mixture for tomorrow's or next week's dinner as well.
Each light cGPT: green, blue and orange retains the mixing structure of oil and vinegar hence creating anchors in each color Genetic Personality Type cGPT and eliminating fear and friction of DSM-5's "the blend."
When green GPT light blends with blue GPT light, a cyan mixture is created. Unlike paint, these 2 individual cGPTs can easily be separated and rejoined. When an orange GPT light blends with a green GPT light, a yellow mixture is created. When blue light and orange light are overlapped, a magenta mixture is created.
Again, unlike blended paint of the DSM-5 which causes loss of individuality and interpersonal friction, livin4d's illuminating light color wheel provies colored anchors of self such that when joined with other, mixtures can be appreciated and self still exists.
At a future point in time livin4d will expound upon the anchored light mixture concept by further discussing possible created shadows and the outcomes of 2+ shared colored personality mixtures.
Livin4d takes guess out of the black and white typed and boxed in DSM-5, while illuminating life with color.
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