88 GCB 88
Tenet 3: X/Y Axis
1. Volume Control: Amplitude Adjustment and length/scope parameters
2. Playing field
3. X/Y axis parameters
4. Dopamine Concept: Cortisol Solution
5. Anchoring
6. Direction of Unison Oars [DUO]
7. Ionic & Covalent Shares
8. Platform Conversions
9. Experiential Modalities
10. Group Exchange
>\<. Flexible to Change by you
1. Volume Control: Amplitude Adjustment and length/scope parameters
2. Playing field
3. X/Y axis parameters
4. Dopamine Concept: Cortisol Solution
5. Anchoring
6. Direction of Unison Oars [DUO]
7. Ionic & Covalent Shares
8. Platform Conversions
9. Experiential Modalities
10. Group Exchange
>\<. Flexible to Change by you
Tenet 3: X/Y Axis
1. Volume Control: Amplitude Adjustment and length/scope parameters
2. Playing field
3. X/Y axis parameters
4. Dopamine Concept: Cortisol Solution
5. Anchoring
6. Direction of Unison Oars [DUO]
7. Ionic & Covalent Shares
8. Platform Conversions
9. Experiential Modalities
10. Group Exchange
>\<. Flexible to Change by you
2. Playing field
3. X/Y axis parameters
4. Dopamine Concept: Cortisol Solution
5. Anchoring
6. Direction of Unison Oars [DUO]
7. Ionic & Covalent Shares
8. Platform Conversions
9. Experiential Modalities
10. Group Exchange
>\<. Flexible to Change by you
Communication Background: The terms "Provider" and "Receiver" are used due to the fact that "Talker" and "Listener" (or any derivation of) would be limiting in that there is so much more to interactional communication beyond our mouths and ears.
In Tennet 1, livin4d discusses being able to adjust for the interactional volume of a relationship, consequently being able to share contours among the 3 different cGPT amplitudes without losing individual frequency/ies.
In Tennet 2, livin4d discusses establishing game field and type of sport to ensure that players are using the same relational tools and that players are abiding by the same parameters (playing by the same point systems, rules etc.).
Tennet 3, conceptually incorporates the mathematical X/Y axices into livin4d's structural support framework. Establishing this interpersonal and relational grid system acts as a netting consequently holding people and points along relational lines together.
X= Timing (t) and length (l) of conversation
Y=Animation and Intensity (h) level
Livin4d creates the ability to adjust the X and Y parameters of an interaction and a relationship, so that connection can be controlled and consequently optimized. X and Y are not stagnantly set points.
X/Y sets forth relational boundaries such that dialogue doesn't blow with the wind all over the place causing unnecessary turbulence. Without X/Y, turbulent frequency of interpersonal interacting is more likely.
Turbulence here and there is to be expected, however it can so quickly erupt into friction. Friction flatlines meaning within relationships, similarly to a radio with frictional static in that the music, lyrics and instruments cannot be appreciated with the background interference.
Base, treble, beat are not heard. All one notices is xrthtrxssthrxxx. We tune it out as best we can. That said, it creates an annoying buzz in our brains. This buzz is equivalent to the "nagging" of a Provider and the resulting "ear cuffing" and cringing while in the presence of static or relational friction. Livin4d refers to this as "Anticipatory Dread."
So, just as a song has rhythm and syncopated beats that create melody and rhythm, so too must conversation in order for it to smoothly flow.
X- Axis
Timing for musical flow is just as important for relational flow. It is important to ALWAYS respect timing (t) X-axis for both the Provider and the Receiver. Time adherence keeps integrity of both players in tact. Respecting time also keeps patience levels elevated. Elevated patience levels help to bounce off turbulence preventing the onset of friction.
1. Adhere to time agreement or length of conversation duration
Respecting time builds trust. If Provider says s/he wants to talk for 10 minutes - talk for 10 minutes (pending Receiver'(s)' agreement). Provider should STOP ..even if not done relaying content to respect both self and other.
If Receiver needs to remind Provider of respected time duration then so it need be. Hopefully, no reminder will be needed. If a timer needs to be set, set one. If a timer needs to be set at 9 minutes for a 1 minute reminder, do such.
Once Tennet 3 is established within a relationship and prior to a conversation, if possible do not re-emind the Provider of time agreement at the beginning of a conversation, unless necessary as it can elicit unnecessary annoyance.
A prior conversational time reminder will be necessary at time X2 if time agreement is not respected at time X1.
If time is not respected and disrespect carries on beyond one interaction, it is the fault of both the Provider and Receiver for not setting appropriate X-axis boundaries. Do not engage in the silent or overt "blame game." If you do so, turn it into fun by humorously calling yourselves out but try to avoid.
While irritation may occur at time (t) x2, x3, x4 if time boundaries needed for reminder but keep in mind these reminders are a benefit to the relationship game in that they act as "stitches" on fabric keeping relational cohesiveness close.
This X-concept and putting boundary lassos on Provider and/or Receiver (if interchanging) can also be applied to repeat questions or other "irritating" interpersonal & relational boundaries. When applied to "irritating" repeats, addressing the X - concept might sound like, "Ok, that's strike 3 batter" (even getting your body into motion as if your the umpire. Somatic movement is always helpful to shifting around cortisol and keeping Domaine elevated. Laugh and move frictional steps from edge frequencies into softer curves).
With respect to timing of interpersonal interaction, adjusting for the X axis involves both parties agreeing on:
1. Duration in length of conversation (song)
2. If arranged in advance: Addressing timing (hour of day/day of week/length of time) of conversation
If arranged on the "pop fly,": Addressing length of conversation prior to the start of "talking/listening" Sinusoidal Exchange (SE).
2. If arranged in advance: Addressing timing (hour of day/day of week/length of time) of conversation
If arranged on the "pop fly,": Addressing length of conversation prior to the start of "talking/listening" Sinusoidal Exchange (SE).
Time Knowing - gaining a sense of what times of hours, days, weeks, months, seasons, holiday patterns, work events, excess family engagements, appointments, travel plans are ideal to schedule or impromptu an interaction on/or around in order to lessen any stress and friction that could arise if conversing occurs during an inopportune time knowing.
If we take the time to examine time patterns in our lives, and if we think about stressors and/or fatigue levels with respect to our interpersonal relationships, we can easily gain insight into optimal moments in which to have conversing.
Obviously we are not perfect and we are not always going to perfectly engage with respect to time parameters, but as much as we can be acknowledging and tactful of timing, it is ideal.
For example, to have a relationship dialogue after your partner has just spent a day giving presentations will most likely not be hepful for the relationship as Receiver will be tired and Provider won't feel heard.
To want to be a Receiver of sex with respect to the X - variable, it is probably not a great time on a Saturday after the Provider has spent all day tending to children.
Apply the X-axis to many relational facets. The above mentioned are just two examples.
Adjusting for the X-axis may initially sound cumbersome and annoying but it is really in the best interest of all parties involved. A. The provider wants to be understood, B. The receiver wants to have connection. The X axis takes a little bit of "time." "Time takes Time," as the expression goes.
A. and B. or roles of Receiver and Provider "flip-flop" depending on point in time and vested interest in any given situation with respect r contextual variables.
Livin4d will reiterate that this X-axis concept along with all livin4d concepts apply only to those who want to be on the same playing field as addressed in Tennet 2. Always keep this in mind when choosing how to play in life and in relation to others.
Y - Axis
Adjusting for the Y- axis involves:
Setting animation and intensity level of engagement prior to interaction.
Create your own scale system in order to be listening to the same style song. Perhaps a 1-10 scale would be appropriate. Use your imagination ...maybe something more fitting.
If one enters an interaction expecting rap and the the other puts out classial, a stage is being set up for friction. A mood for rap is quiet different from a mood for classical. This stated, one can easily mentally and somatically adjust a rap mode to classical receipt or vice versa but if the station just quickly jumps into an unexpected genre from what is anticipated, it can be startling. Therefore it is helpful to mutuallu set and agree upon the Y axis.
Creating a catch netting of X/Y involving:
X-Time and length
Y-Animation and Intensity (h) level
X-Time and length
Y-Animation and Intensity (h) level
help to further define (Provider and Receiver) P&R subset rhythms and steps within the playing field.
2. X/Y axis parameters
In addition to amplitude adjustment, by containing the length of communication parameters or setting the x-scope of interaction, we can also manage and control the shared contours.
The y-scope is volume control of sinusoidal interaction (animation, verbosity, intensity). The x-scope is duration of conversation and contextual parameters. By adjusting for the x and y axises, overlapping stages for blue, green and orange personalities can be created. Knowing x and y variables to interchanges prior to engaging in these interactions can be beneficial to increasing connection as it provides a pre-expectation and delineated communications contours so participants have guidelines.
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