LIVIN4d is going to use the analogy of Bike tires in comparison to Genetic Personality Types. This analogy makes it clear that one bike tire or personality type is not better than another tire or type.
They are intrinsically all different yet they are the same in value. Dependent upon which environment the tire is utilized determines the efficiency and ease of the tire.
There are 3 basic types of tires:
1. Off road tires
2. Street tires
3. Hybrid tires
1. Off road tires
2. Street tires
3. Hybrid tires
Each type is beneficial to dependent environment based on 3 variables:
1. Tire width
2. Tire PSI
3. Tire teeth
2. Tire PSI
3. Tire teeth
The off road tire is thickest in width with the lowest PSI (Pressure per Square Inch) and the most teeth. It performs at a 100% functioning level on rugged terrain and and a 70% functioning level on street terrain.
The street tire is thin in width with the lowest PSI (Pressure per Square Inch) amd the most least teeth. The street tire performs at a 100% functioning level on street terrain and a 70% functioning level on rugged terrain.
The hybrid tire is thick/thin in width with a medium PSI (Pressure per Square Inch) and medium teeth number. The hybrid tire performs at an 85% functioning level on both rugged and street terrain.
Getting into more specifics, the PSI ranges of the three types of tires are as follows:
1. Off road tires: PSI 55-70
2. Street tires: PSI 85-100
3. Hybrid tires: PSI 70-85
2. Street tires: PSI 85-100
3. Hybrid tires: PSI 70-85
The reason why the thick widthed tire with PSI of 55-70 and the most teeth performs best in rugged rocky terrain at a 100% functioning level is due to the fact that:
1. The thick width gives it the most surface area S.A. and consequent stability to compensate for the rocky terrain with many pebbles.
2. The lowest PSI of 55-70 gives the tire the ability to compensate for bounce of rock factor without popping.
3. The highest tooth number gives the dirt bike tire the ability to grip the rugged terrain allowing for the tire to hit pebbles in between teeth without causing the tire to deflect to the side possibly falling over.
The reason why the thin widthed tire with PSI of 85-100 and least teeth performs best on street terrain at a 100% functioning level is due to the fact that:
1. The thin widthed tire provides the tire with the least surface area S.A. and consequent increased speed ability on street roads due to the fact that the road is flat and smooth. (The thinner the tire the lesser the drag).
2. The highest PSI of 85-100 gives the street tire the ability to move fast on the flat surfaced road as there is no need for lower PSI to compensate for bounce of rock factor without popping as needed in the off road tire.
3. The lowest tooth number gives the street bike tire the ability to cruise without the hindrance of teeth slowing it down as teeth are not needed for gripping a flat surface road. It is like going down a ski/street slope without moguls. One picks up speed without the tire teeth or wheel moguls.
The reason why the medium widthed tire (hybrid) with a PSI of 70-85 and medium teeth performs at an 85% functioning level in both the rugged rocky terrain and street terrain is due to the fact that it has variables to adjust for both environmental parameters:
1. The hybrid width gives the tire a medium surface area S.A. and consequent moderate stability to compensate for the rocky terrain with many pebbles. The medium width also makes it easy though not easiest to ride on the street.
2. The hybrid PSI of 55-70 gives the tire the ability to moderately compensate for bounce of rock factor without popping. This hybrid PSI gives the tire the ability in terms of pressure to move fast on the street terrain while not fastest.
3. The medium tooth number gives the hybrid bike tire the ability to moderately grip the rugged terrain allowing for the tire to hit pebbles in between teeth without causing the tire to deflect to the side possibly falling over. The medium tooth number gives the hybrid bike tire the ability to moderately cruise down street terrain without the hindrance of many teeth slowing it down as teeth are not needed for gripping a flat surface road.
At initial thought, one would speculate that the hybrid tire is "best" because it is the tire in the middle having advantageois features in both the street scene and rugged scene. "Middle ground" so to speak as the expression goes. However this expression does not apply as one can deduce from the above analogies.
The tire functioning levels as mentioned above are:
1. Off road tires 100
2. Street tires 100
3. Hybrid tires 85
1. Off road tires 100
2. Street tires 100
3. Hybrid tires 85
These functioning levels of tires are based on the environments as described above. Place an off road tire in a city street and it has the functioning level of 70. Place a street tire in off road rugged terrain and it has a functioning level of 70.
Therefore, while the street tire performs better than the hybrid tire on steet terrain by 15%, it also performs 15% worse on off road terrain. The off road tire performs better than the hybrid by 15% on rugged terrain but it also performs 15% lower than the hybrid tire on street terrain. Therefore, "across the board or 'street', it all balances out.
Now moving onto the next concept. Some people may be happy riding off roading their entire lives with other off roaders. Some people may be happy as street riders their entire lives sharing the road with other street riders. This is great. Hybrids may be happy with other hybrids, or with rugged or with streets or with either or who share both yet are not hybrids. Non judgment from livin4d.
This stated, some off road riders may want to have variety and also enjoy the streets. Some street riders may want to have variety and also enjoy the rugged terrain.
If a rugged tire is riding in the street with a street tire partner, functioning level can be assessed at an 85% and vice versa. If a hybrid tire is in either environment with tire of that environment the shared road has a functioning capability of 92.5%. (As will be discussed further this hybrid functioning level deflates back down to an 85% equivalent to the two other relationship combinations as the hybrid personality is not as simple of a breakdown as the hybrid analogy used).
The above described scenarios assume monogomous relations though livin4d has no opinion regarding other creative options.
Livin4d utilizes the above bike tire analogy to demonstrate that none of the tires have innate characteristics making them better than other. The only reason for one tire functioning better than 'other' has to do with the environmental parameters in which it exists.
In future blog posts livin4d will provide descriptions of how combinations of the two bikes tires of three different types (blue, orange and green) can share and alternate the roads with the same shared future vision.
Livin4d will provide relational techniques such as timing of speed and breaks, deflation, inflation, surface area compensatory techniques, teeth compensation etc., similar to how one would make adjustments in bikes with respect to terrain.
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