A-Cross the Corpus Collosum
Posted on Facebook I have my very artistic blog. This one blog post is all I will mention about facebook on this side of the line.
In human years, long ago we actually had sagital crests differentiating the left and right side of brain making the schism of artist and logic even more pronounced than it currently is, at this human point in time.
The DSM-5 still seeks to separate humanity into erroneous subtypes, in my opinion, "PSYCHO"-"logical"ly "pathologizing" the artist while bettering the logical minded and vice versa.
How convenient to label the artists or the Johnny Cash's of the world who "Walk the Line" such things as, bipolar, moody, GAD, depressive etc. As the Doors would say, it's time to "Break on Through to the Other Side" of Pink Elephloyds "Wall."
How convenient for the "Psycho"- LOGICAL community to throw labels the LOGICS like such things as Narcissists etc.
What a perpetual motion of "$amsara" is set in place. How convenient for those DSM-5ers currently running the show. "High Five" to those squares. My masters is in Marriage Family Therapy I'm the state of California. I am licensed having passed 2 exams and completed 3000 hours of face to face supervision. I have almost completed my PhD in Somatic and Spiritual Psychology not to mention my numerous trainings including EMDR, Cognitive Behavioral Hypnosis and EFT just to mention a few. I also have a Master of Arts in Teaching High School Biology and an undergraduate degree in Biology. As I believe I have mastered my trade of knowing people, livin4d is brought to you as a gift, through me. Take it or leave it. I have no attachment either way. We all find things to do with our lives that give us sense of purpose. Livin4d is my sense of purpose as I believe our current state of affairs is unjust. I will spend the rest of my life blogging about this concept whether anybody implements it or not. The business is all set up to begin efficiently running.
As I have had a social stroke, I am incapable of the "dealing" with the micro - business allocations that need to be set into place. My purpose in this life is to provide the structural support for erecting an expandable future. If humanity chooses to not expound upon there concepts, that is a reflection of you. Keep the shatter if you like. No judgment as it is your shatter.
Today, September 16th (as can be seen on this date within Facebook), I found a 4-leaf clover this morning.
Livin4d needs no luck as livin4d is not a human construct. I am the "carrier," or the conduit of livin4d. It is a message that will trump any gambler because it is from the "source."
Livin4d shatters reflective mirrors that imprison us humanity into boxed categories of the D$M-5. The psychological and pharmaceutical industry is a billion dollar trade. I'm sure there is much vested in losing the attachment to outdated boxed in concepts.
To repeat, 40% of pharmacological drugs target OXTR. OXTR are Oxytocin receptor sites within the brain.
Due to the fact that we have 3 different innate genetic levels of OXTR receptor sites, it makes no sense to have an entire humanity based on diagnoses revolving around these OXTR sites.
As we can physically see from our outsides, we are Black, White Asian and more. The internal psychological equivalent of to this outer shell would be like saying ...if you are internally Asian, you should go on medication, you are too logical, too Narcissist. If you are internally European you should go on a mood stabilizer. You are bipolar.
Livin4d is not hypothesizing anything. Livin4d joins the psych"ILL"ogical world with biology. It connects the dots that already exist to draw a true picture.
Livin4d knows it is fundamental to deconstruct these false psychological walls as the problematic diagnosing and labeling begins as early as childhood. The pathologizing can be seen with all the negative focus on children's art. We enter our examination of the personality with a negative skew rather than an illuminates view.
Time to shatter the DSM-5's reflective imprisonment and break free. Time to examine us humanity with 3 new genetic lenses: Green, Blue and Orange. Livin4d is not a game. It is an open face reality based on chromosome 3. Plant the seed that needs no luck. Invest in your harmonious future by changing the angle of your view.
Be free. Up to you.
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