As human beings, we have 3 different genetic personalities based on genetic differences located on chromosome 3. Imagine three basic flavors of ice cream: chocolate, strawberry and vanilla. All flavors of ice cream are ice cream yet each ice cream tastes very different. Similarly, us humans are humans regardless of genetic personality yet we are all very different.
Currently, we know that we are unique individuals. We cognitively understand that we are different flavors. That said, we treat each other and operate in this world as if we are all one in the same. We are not the same. Based on already existing scientific research, it is already proven that we have 3 basic personality types that are very different from one another.
These 3 basic personality types are derived from variances located on chromosome 3p25. This marker location codes for the neurotransmitter and hormone Oxytocin. Oxytocin determines:
- Our affect ranges as human beings
- Our learning styles
- Our level of desire for support
- How we talk
Livin4d will change the psychological world of humanity by appropriately adapting the existing psychological texts into the century in which we currently live.
Taking livin4d's three basic personality types a step further, by looking at the gene FoxP2 located on chromosome 7, we can divide human personalities into 5 main types of people as an individual is either (+) or (-) for Fox P2. This gene in particular is responsible for language processing. Currently, in the DSM-V there are many language disorders that are debated within the field of psychology as many professionals don't believe they even exist due to the wide spectrum range.
There are many other psychological genes already located and can be found at SNPedia that contribute to our unique personalities. These genes are all easily testible if the person is experiencing symptomology beyond a "normative" range.
For sake of building a foundational baseline personality, ivin4d starts by arranging the personality into 3 categories. In the near future, livin4d will further categorize human psyche into 5 different types.
Depending on one's ethnic background they are more likely to fall within a certain type. For example, Europeans have a tendency to be GG or Blue Personality Type. Asians have a tendency to be AA or Orange Personality Type. As for FoxP2 - Asians have a tendency to not have the gene while Caucasians have a tendency to have the gene. Whether or not one has this FoxP2 gene makes a huge difference in the ways in which we communicate.
Therefore, by knowing your genetic personality type, you will have the key to navigating around other personalities in this world and consequently optimizing your success.
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