Oxytocin and Fox P2 form the genetic backbones of our personality types. While the Oxytocin colors provide the basic structure, Fox P2 gives our Personality Types a twist in clockwise or counterclockwise directions (+/-).
To repeat, these personality types are rooted in already existing reliable and verifiable scientific data based in genes located on Chomosomes 3 and 7.
Within humanity, from the day we are born, our beings are birthed into one of the three cGPTs (Orange, Green, Blue) corresponding with the Oxytocin personality ranges:
AA=Oxytocin Orange range of 1-3
AG=Oxytocin Green range of 3-5 GG=Oxytocin Blue range of 5-7
AG=Oxytocin Green range of 3-5 GG=Oxytocin Blue range of 5-7
Fox P2 adds the symbolic (+/-) clockwise or counterclockwise language variations referred to as:
oGPT(+) / oGPT(-)
gGPT(+) / gGPT(-)
bGPT (+) / bGPT(-)
gGPT(+) / gGPT(-)
bGPT (+) / bGPT(-)
The Oxytocin Spectrum with unique subspectra distributes our human personalities across 3 ranges. While livin4d demarcates these ranges into 3 distinct number scales, keep in mind that these number scales are solely for categorization and communication purposes.
To symbolically represent this concept, imagine or perform the following: Take a paper towel and cut it in a rectangle about 1 inch wide and 6 inches long. Place 3 drops of food coloring along the rectangle, one at either end and one in the middle @ the 3 inch mark. While the colors will predominantly stay in their locations, they will slightly migrate toward each other with some overlap. If you color coordinate this such that Orange food coloring is on the left, green is in the middle and blue is on the right, it will symbolically paint the visual of livin4d's personality ranges and how they are not stuck within the above scale system.
Even imagine a further step. If you add more water to the color drops, the more they colors will bleed into each other. This is an important concept in that, extrapolating from this simulation, it allows us to decipher that we can adjust external environmental variables, influencing personality types to move beyond their "designated" spectrum sections.
Moving away from the simulation and back into practicality, the above Oxytocin ranges correspond and are complementary to the already existing biomedical scale existing within the medical, psychiatric and psychological communities.
Medical and outdated psychiatric Oxytocin levels will be addressed within future articles. For preliminary purposes we will conceptually stay with livin4d's color spectrum as to not confuse the foundational underpinnings.
Livin4d joins the medical community with US, the people; eliminating the corrupt psychiatric community.
Livin4d is not stating that there is no need for neurotransmitter adjustments, livin4d simply connects the somabody with the environment giving US ultimate control and shaping of our lives! ...if we want this power.....otherwise ...go pop a pill, livin4d doesn't judge. "To all of us our own" as the expression goes.
Now in conclusion of this article; back to symbolism. If one takes two paper towels in 6in×1in dimensions and twists one in the counter clockwise direction and the other in the clockwise direction, this represents the FoxP2 overlay in that the directional shifts of our languages are different.
As humanity, we have Fox P2 or we don't. (+) symbolizes this gene's presence and (-) symbolizes this genes absence. Neither is better or worse. The are simply different. Our language is actually a fractal carryover from the way in which our DNA winds and unwinds....it spins in 5'3 and 5'3 directions. Each strand needs the other strand to complement each other. This concept also applies to our language. "Flank that ... n'est pas?:)"
Asians have a tendency to be FoxP2(-) and Europeans have a tendency to be Fox P2 (+). Livin4d seeks to further understand population patterns with respect to this gene once patrons choose to share.
Understanding the direction of FoxP2 language is important to lessen friction potential within interpersonal relationships. It doesn't mean we have to force one to go right and another to go left, or vice versa. It simply gives us power to navigate our communication.
Speaking to the picture accompanying this post, macaques, quite different and (in some ways similar) to humans, are either exposed to stress or they are not.
The ones living in formidable cold conditions spend more of their time gathering food and keeping warm bathing in hotsprings. The macaques living in warm conditions have less environmental treachery to deal with and can spend more time "grooming" and being playful with one another. (Cold macaques play too:) they throw snoballs etc). The two groups use different tools :).
The macaques living in the snowy environment have different "skills" from those living in the warm environment. The macaques in cold weather are more on the 1-3 scale of Oxytocin. The macaques living in warm environment are more on the 5-7 scale of Oxytocin.
These mammals have parallel affect ranges to humans though they do not articulately speak or engage as we do. Livin4d simply shares this macaque parallel in order to remove humans for a minute for external representation purposes of the mind. It is easier to see this socialization picture while removing ourselves entirely :)
So one more addition, for imagery purposes, the macaques throwing snowballs have more FOXP2 (-) and the ones who have basqued in the sun have more FOXP2 (+).
(On a side note, from what I have heard, those living in the Basque region have a very interesting and complex language).
Caveat: I may actually mean a different subspecies of maquaques corresponding with the FoxP2 (-) gene, but for now, I will use the snowy macaque for purposes of simplicity).
In livin4d blog post #2, I discussed Chromosome 3p25 being the primary personality gene contributing to our Genetic Personality Types [Blue, Orange, Green] among human beings.
FoxP2 located on Chromosome 7 is the secondary personality gene contributing to our Genetic Personality Types. For simplicity purposes at this point in time, the lab portion available to reveal your GPT is based on our primary personality gene coding for Oxytocin.
Fox P2 which will be added for lab personality testing at a future point in time. Livin4d will utilize the services of DNA genotek located in Ottawa, Canada.
FoxP2 is responsible for language articulation and speech formation. An individual either has this gene [+] or s/he doesn't [-].
Currently, the field of psychology has a portion of diagnostics corresponding to language disorders and thought processing disorders. Within the psychological field, there is much ambiguity surrounding these two types of disorders as the lines of diagnosable demarcation are quite arbitrary.
The Fox P2 gene has already been identified by existing scientific research as the language gene. Livin4d is not attempting to "reinvent any wheels." Livin4d seeks to expand whatbis already proven by blending the world of biology with the world of psychology in order to create an entirely new approach to understanding the human personality and psyche.
The "lens" in which livin4d views personality is through a lens of variation rather than a lens of diagnostic problems. Most forms of current psychology view anything straying from narrow-minded parameters as pathogenic. There is not much room for individual variation of people without a problematic label being slapped on by the mental health community.
Similarly to the Oxytocin gene, with respect to FoxP2, there are already recognizable population variations among continental peoples. These personality variations are the result of genetic shift over the course of time due to the tendency of popluations to reproduce among themselves resulting in more coagulation personality types.
With respect to FoxP2, the Asian population has a tendency to be FoxP2 [-] while the European population has a tendency to be FoxP2 [+]. As this gene corresponds to the ways in which we form and shape our thoughts and language, whether an individual is [+] or [-] creates a large difference with respect to language articulation patterns.
Currently, regardless of spoken language: (German, Chinese, French, English, Polish, Italian, Hebrew, Arabic, Swahilli), we speak to each other as if we all talk and comprehend on the same operating platform. We simply do not operate on one operating platform and science already supports this concept.
To provide an analogy, it would be like an HTML coder using CMS Flash or vice versa. The two languages are very different. It would be like a MAC user using a PC. The two computers are very different. ONE cannot switch platforms and use the same functional skills as used on the previous platform. It would be maddening to switch apparatuses without gaining new insight and understanding of functions and parameters of the new apparatus. One final example, just because one knows how to bike doesn't mean one knows how to swim. You get the "drift?"
Livin4d provides the manual with specific skills and techniques; much of which are somatic based, in order to bridge the gap among these different personality types. Livin4d's manual decreases friction on all societal levels and forms of interpersonal interaction as it provides a new foundational understanding of human psyche.
The only reason why physical manifestation of livin4d hasn't yet come to fruition is due to the fact that livin4d is waiting for funding in order to assure follow through with DNA Genotek's business financial arrangement.
Ideally, livin4d would like to build a comprehensive interacticr website if additional funding were secured, but at this point in time, that is not necessary as results and personality packets can be mailed via traditional mail.
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