Saturday, 12 September 2015

19. Blue, Green and Orange "Thought Molecules"

Dependent upon one's colored GPT, [cGPT], Blue, Orange and Green, there is a tendency for 3 different types of transmissions.
Before transmissions are described, it is important to fundamentally and conceptually understand the structure of the 3 Genetic Personality Types.
Imagine 3 different clear glass bowls. Each bowl contains a colored fluid (for symbolism) with different viscosities.
Imagine one bowl containing blue water. Imagine one bowl containing green snow. Imagine one bowl containing orange ice. (Please don't attribute intrinsic (+/-) attachment to the various solid colored states).
If you were to drop (X's) into one of the three bowls, the resulting (Y's) would be different for each bowl. To give a couple examples, if you were to drop a coin into each bowl, the coins would have different movement, sound, pace, dissipation waves (+ more) responses. If you were to drip hot water into each bowl,  the drips would have different movement, sound, pace, dissipation waves (+ more) responses. You can imagine other variables having different effects on the  3 colored viscosities representing the 3 different GPTs.
Now that the structural base of GPTs have been described, let's discuss transmission.
Dependent upon the colored milieu of one's genetic personality (corresponding with 3 different levels of Oxytocin), each milieu has a Transmission Unique Frequency level or TUF level.
Transmission Unique Frequency levels
TUF levels consist of 2 components:
1. Input or Receiver Patterns
2. Output or Provider Patterns
Dependent upon the brain's colored milieu  (water, snow, ice), receiving input from the external environment will be uniquely registered.
Dependent upon the brain's colored milieu (water, snow, ice), providing output from the internal environment will be uniquely registered.
These unique thermostat ranges are based on the unique cGPT (colored Genetic Personality Types).
By knowing the cGPT of self and other(s), we can start to have a better understanding on how to adjust the thermostat knob to create better connections and flows among the 3 GPTs as each GPT has an ideal "temperature range" for optimal transmission.
In order to best connect with Orange GPT, Blue and Green would benefit to use more viscous language or less fluid of a range. In order to best connect with Blue GPT, Green and Orange would benefit to use less viscous language or more fluid of a range. Sure, connections can happen without adjusting the thermostat, but there will be a tendency for more "friction" to occur via transmission.

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