The DSM-5 Intrinsic (-/+) scale is Archaic. Like Annelida and Platyhelmenthes speaking of "archaic," the DSM-5 is segmented and flat. We "should" ideally step it up a "knot" untying the false fabric of our current human weave. Like the (fish with sea through brain), it's time to create an "open faced" reality.
Speaking to the oGPT Type of person, the above structural sentence composure is metaphorical. Speaking to the bGPT, anchor your color and don't float away in tangential imagining offshoots.
(To provide a slight background in livin4d origination; I had much difficulty beginning I'm writing of this relay from source as I was attempting to use 3 different frequencies of the same language to communicate in spoken or written form as the 3 types of GPTs are very different. It got to the point in time where I started spinning with no forward momentum in attempt to communicate in 3 different ways let alone for the non-word communication).
In any case, I became aware that I needed to stop my own spin and begin a weave back into life so I hopped ON a bus from San Diego, California and literally "landed" in Toronto (though I was really not "running" from anything. I needed my own forward momentum).
"Back on track" . . . As one can see in the attached diagram, the reason for the DSM-5 being flawed is that it reflects the (+/-) axis that creates a reverberation stuck between two walls. Furthermore there are many gaps is the created linear diagnostic spectrum.
When this (+,-) scale is attached to humanity, it not only creates a myriad of diagnoses, it causes the bounce back effect of constant interpersonal and relational friction in that certain people fall more to once side of the linear scale than the other.
As a (+,-) sides of magnet would attract, these two sides of spectrum are energetically drawn to each other. Upon attraction, problems begin go arise due to the incessant pull and push of intrinsic energies.
So to repeat, by stating the DSM-5 is flawed, it is not meant to blame the text originators. Conceptually it was based from the intrinsic human energetic current that keeps our lives flowing as humanity. That said, livin4d creates the forward momentum of us as individuals and collectively as a species in that it "throws" an angle (rather than an arrow) into the visibility of human refract.
Without livin4d's Angle of Visibility (like an AV node of a heart keeping the beat), we are stuck in 180 degree linear reflect. Even the most "self reflective" people are stuck within their created mirrored realities as the only true knowing that is created for them is based upon this (+,-) mirrored knowing of self, (the reflected humanity imposed upon us from birth).
Livin4d does not attempt to alter this (+,-) intrinsic current (view and reality) that gives us life force (chi) logically removes the "squares" while creating new spaces for the logic and creatice.
Livin4d removes the negatives of life by bumping the (-,-) (+,-) (-,+) of the personal and interactive grid up to (+,+) by opening the door a crack for illumination from a new angle. Again, livin4d is not from me. Due to life circumstances, my foot is in the door and I hold it open for illunination.
I have no life attachment to your /youur (English language being 'romantic') viewing life the way it currently is or from livin4d's new angle. (Though I do have a personal human attachment . . . as in an ideal world I would like to not be homeless. This stated, I am on a life strike and will not re-enter the human playing field . . .maybe ever. . . And this is OK too. My personal life outcome is "solely" a reflect of your choice in paved direction). As I mentioned, I have no life attachment to your livin4d.
Livin4d will demonstrate the innate genetic differences among the 3 GPTs which affects every facet of life from how schools are designed to how companies are run to interpersonal, family and self relations.
Livin4d will also provide a Global Communications Bank structure with about 100 examples that humans can add to once they understand the structure and types of people and relational interactions available to us in order to optimize our lives. (If humans want :)
From an evolutionary perspective, we humans can remain segmented and flat lined if we like.
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