Chemical Dynamics: Ionic and Covalent Bonds:
LIVIN4d will conceptually demonstrate chemistry complementing the 60/30 mathematical angle application to lIVIN4d. As previously mentioned, lIVIN4d eliminates the need for psychotherapy and medications as they are currently prescribed.
lIVIN4d is not a form or dorm of therapy. It is a way of living. "Take it or leave it." I am simply transmitting the structural underpinnings that logically and chemically make sense as lIVIN4d is not only rooted in biology but it is the bases for creating systemic organization. Whether you choose to acquiesce this structure or not is up to you. Whether you choose to fill life "cells" with happiness, is up to you. Now that we have gotten that reminder out of the way, back to chemistry ;)
In relationships, we have different types of exchanges and different types of shares, not to mention, we have different forms of relationships.
In chemistry, we have Ionic and Covalent bonds between and among atoms and compounds. Atoms are from the same element. Compounds are from different elemental arrangements and combinations. That aspect doesn't matter at the moment perse, I just thought I'd provide a little bit of chemistry background.
What does matter is that the two types of exchanges: Ionic and Covalent are parallel logical suppport to the mathematical 60/30 break down for the solid foundational building of interpersonal dynamics.
In an atom, there are protons and neutrons within the nucleus. A proton has a (+) charge and a neutron has a neutral charge. Electrons swirl around the atom and try have a (-) charge. These charges don't make protons "good" and electrons "bad;" they simply have to do with currents, attraction, repulsion and balance.
In our relationships, it is ideal to eliminate the attachment to ego reflecting judgment of (+,-) of self and other people and their opinions as they are simply an energetic overlay to words.
Sticking with the logical side of things without the emotional overlay we can begin to rebuild truth that doesn't get blown around with the wind. We can build stability of solid exchanges rather than atomic and compounded molecules that are highly reactive.
lIVIN4d does not intend to eliminate emotion. This stated, emotion will be more respected, appreciated and valued if it makes sense. Otherwise, we will all just stand around, laugh at each other, scratch our heads and think other is stupid. Making sense of emotion and forming bonds of connection requires a supporting structure that can hold and contain emotion. Being the container is neither the job or function of a man, a woman, an adult or a child. It is an external matrix I'm that supports us all.
Back to atoms. Different atoms have different numbers of protons and different numbers of electrons. It is primarily these two particles that makes elements unique from each other. Regardless of elements, electrons are "housed" in surrounding rings around the proton neutron center. Picture a boiled egg. The center yolk would be the nucleus containing the proton and neutron. The barrier between the yolk and the surrounding albumin or white layer would be the layer where the first layer consisting of 2 electrons circulate. The "shell" of the egg or the barrier between the albumin and the surrounding world would be the layer where the second layer consisting of 8 electrons circulate.
The number of electon containers is always the same regardless of how many atoms an element has. On the first layer between yolk and albumin, there are 2 containers. On the second layer between shell and outside air, there are 8 containers. These containers may or may not be filled depending on how many electrons are present. For example, Helium has 2 electrons, so the first 2 containers will be filled. Another element may have 10 electrons. Therefore the first 2 containers on level 1 (yolk/albumin (white) are filled and the 8 containers on shell/outside level are also filled. For purposes of application to interpersonal relationships, these chemical aspects are all that matter for now.
Imagine each Genetic Personality Type to have all levels of egg filled. Therefore, as can be seen in the attached diagram, a Covalent share between one or more GPTs would "share" based on the drawn diagramatic electron arrangement.
This type of Covalent share would apply to relational concepts that are not that energetically heated so to speak. They are easy agreements to be made. In examining the Venn diagram electon arramgment pattern of 2/3 overlapping circles or electron pathways, each individual has 7 individual electrons and 1 shared electons, meaning that 87.5% of your idea/beliefs/sides are not being interfered by other. An example of this covalent share might be, if you both agree you want to see an action movie, whether you see _____,_______ doesn't matter son much. You are not determining if you want to see a comedy or an action movie. That decision has already been determined and the first 2 electons are filled in their containers.
In examining the Venn diagram for Covalent shares, there is also the dynamic of a 3rd atom introduced. This 3rd circle in the Venn diagram is equivalent to a 3rd Genetic Personality Type being introduced into the interpersonal equation. This share would be equivalent to all three individuals agreeing to see an action movie. If two movies are given ad options: ______,_______; it may be slightly more difficult to all agree, but it is still an easy choice ad the genre of movie has already been agreed upon and each individual has his/her first level of electrons shared. (Trust me, I known friction can even begin with whether or not to see a movie but that will be furthet addressed with the Dopamine Concept later). In the sharing of 3 outer shells or a total of 24 electrons in energetic determinant of what action movie to see, (as represented in the diagram), there is slightly more "giving of self" in that if the movie is not your ideal choice, you would maintaining 75% of your self idea and sharing 25%.
These share statistics slightly change if 3 action movies options are "on the table." (please come up with a new expression). The relational conceptual idea of Covalent Sharing is that in interperonal relations, it is important to establish baseline share undwrstandings and logical parameters to make sense of relating. In elwctrical terms, knowing your share ratio of 7/8 electons or 6/8 electrons is important because it helps to retain accurate perspective and proportion of "shares." (On a business level shares could be translated into "deals/transactions."
Ionic sharing is different from Covalent sharing in that more love is shared and more individual idea is "put aside." The idea put to the side may be temporary and it may be permanent depending on content of idea and timing etc. This stated, determining an Ionic Share is important as it cuts the perpetual future nagging, ramifications and grudges that arise as a result of idea put aside.
It is important to reframe our language in describing Ionic Sharing in that it is not loss of an idea, rather it is a choice to share love. This reframing in descriptive language reminds us that we are choosing to share future vision with someone or some people. We are not "losing" or giving up anything.
As stated in Principle 2 of lIVIN4d's Playing Field Tennet, when in relationships, we are making a choice to be playing the same sport. A gentle reminder that we can leave the relationship at any time and play a different sport. (It is suggested that lIVIN4d is fully incorporated into dynamics prior to making the decision to part as lIVIN4d is the only logical framework for proper functioning of the relational machine).
Back to Ionic Shares. Ionic Sharing is applied to interpersonal decision making and processing that is potentially more volatile than covalent shares as more electons or attachment to idea is put aside with the choice to share more love as can be seen in the diagram.
If a couple is deciding whether to live in the country or city, it is a fairly large agreement to make. From my own life experience, there can be a lot of attachment to environmental surroundings and vision of home. A large agreement like environmental setting has the potential to result in a lot of relational friction.
With the application of the Ionic Sharing principle, LIVIN4d circumvents this potential relational friction. The same atomic egg concept applies to the electron configuration of Ionic Shares. The first layer has 2 electons filled and the second layer has 8 electon containers.
In the environmental choice scenario, if one person would prefer to live in the city and lovingly agrees to live in the country, she would be sharing 5 electrons of love, moving her city 3 electons to the country side. As a result, as can be seen in the diagram, a total of 8 love electrons between the two individuals are joined and a total of 8 idea foundational electons are joined. 5 love electons are shared from the city mover to the country. 3 love electons are shared from the person attached to the country idea as that is the one being supported and erected.
It is important to picture these relational agreements and interpersonal relationship arrangements with this Ionic Share structural framework as it allows for true visual clarity.
As a result of conceptually understanding lIVIN4d's ionic underpinnings, awareness of self and other can be appreciated as relations move into a shared future. Consequently, now that this structural latice is understood, there is movement space for couples to guage their own future "balancing" of their lives equations.
In a future content scenario using the above Ionic share latice framework, that same couple might Ionically share in the other direction for relational balancing. For example, assuming both partners want to have a child, she wants (prefers) to have one in a year, he wants (prefers) to have in 2 years. This variance could easily cause a frictional discrepancy as people get energetically attached to these concepts. (The irony, not ionically, is that people argue about this stuff so much that the result often doesn't even manifest so the argument is actually moot in the first place, but anyway :)
Relational decisions should never evolve into "tit for tat," (whatever that expression means). Once an Ionic share agreement is incorporated into relational fabric, it exists within that relationship. Partners will know the balancing with respect to time and content or number of decisions made on which love electrons are shared on a 3 or 5 level. If both partners choose to invest in the future vision of the relationship, this balancing effect will naturally occur.
lIVIN4d sets no firm rules as to whether or not "gentle reminders" are needed for ionic balancing as each GPT benefits from different interpersonal dynamics and manifestations.
lIVIN4D will state that if gentle Ionic Share reminders are beneficial to the GPT arrangement, practicing of the Dopamine Concept is ideal for conveyence of these reminders in terms of increasing connections.
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