Depending on which Genetic Personality Type [GPT] a child is (Blue, Green or Orange), each child has a unique development and learning style. Livin4d will revolutionize our educational systems around the world due to its new categorization system.
By knowing children's individual personality types - assignments, groups and programs can be designed such that each child's learning potential is maximized. Our educational systems are currently set up such that "no child is left behind." While in theory this is a great idea, having been a teacher myself, the application of this theory is not practical.
The difficulty with "no child left behind" has to do with the fact that there are so many educational standards to cover in such little time, coupled with the fact that children have many facets of personality that teachers balance, aside from covering nationally standardized content material. Therefore, due to the time variable, complexity of personality differences, social dynamics and content standards, it is inevitable that children's needs will be left behind. (Not due to anyone's fault).
Livin4d really leaves "no child behind" in that it separates personalities into three different types making it easy to tailor assignments to truly fit 3 individual personality styles. When you go to purchase a suit, sure - one can find a nice fitting suit from a local store, but imagine having the capability of tailoring a suit to fit your body type. Tailored suits are so much more for form fitting.
Livin4d "tailors" educational teachings to three different personality styles to maximize educational fit which consequently optimizes success. By optimizing success of children's learning and social interactions, we are paving the foundation for our future economic return on a social level and happiness on a psychological level.
Livin4d does not seek to segregate and isolate the 3 different types of children as segregation is not how we exist in society. Rather, livin4d seeks to "color coordinate" instructional material to enhance learning potential of each student. For example, the following ideas are examples of how each color differentiated group benefit from different instructional programs.
Blue groups would benefit from:
1. Activities to enhance and stimulate interactive enhancing imagination
2. Group activities to decrease self conscious (shy) aspects
3. Enhanced focused instruction on how to read questions and pay attention to "important" material while not getting distracted by tangential aspects that are not relevant for testing
4. Group activities to help children share focus of talk content and decrease chances of multiple interpretations (due to enhanced imagination) that can cause relational friction
5.Relaxation and meditations exercises for mind and body
6. Spatial and shape diagramatic representations of concepts
Orange groups would benefit from:
1. Activities designed to teach foundational imagination skills
2. Group and couple listening activities with eye contact contributing to change of shape of amygdala and consequent empathic skills
3. Group activities involving touch to increase release of oxytocin and consequent bonding ability.
4. While this type of personality is typically great at standardized testing, focus on questions to enhance exploration of "gray realm" areas is beneficial.
5. Reflective modeling of listening. "What I hear you saying is"
6. Spatial and shape strengthening activities attached to word sentence structure
Green Personality Groups benefit from both types of activities. (And more to be determined at a later point in time).
All three personality groups benefit from knowing each others' baseline personality colors because this structure helps children to enter a dialogue and interaction with a sensical personality organization of self and other.
By children knowing their intrinsic genetic perdonality differences between and among each other, children have the power to optimize their individual and relational success while decreasing frustration and frictional levels.
And, as stated above, aside from the social benefit of livin4d's color coodinated personalities, from an educational standpoint, livin4d's categorization system optimizes cognitive success due to already proven scientific research supporting different learning styles of children with different Oxytocin levels.
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