Monday, 28 September 2015

40. Creating a Shared Volume Range of Relational Intensity

Determining Dating and Level Frequency and setting Relational Tone
People operate on different frequency levels; not better not worse, just different ranges.
For sake of ease, let's say there are 10 levels of Personality Frequencies (which may be adjusted at a future time if more clarity is gained).
When couples form, there is a certain difference in range between the two individuals. Let's call these individuals A and B. The greater the distance or difference in personality frequencies between the two people engaging, the more potential there is to learn from one another. Also, there is a greater potential level for friction to arise.
Similar to atomic configurations, in which electrons "like" to be close to the nucleus, so too do individuals "like" to be close to each other. 
A 4 and 5 personality may get along great and be in great love with little friction as they are sinusoidally close together in terms of wave amplitude. A 2 and 10 personality may not get along great and be in great love with at of friction as they are sinusoidally far from each other in terms of wave amplitude.
It takes much more exerted energy for the personality types 2 and 10 to share connection than it does the 4 and 5 personalities. These analogies are absolutely in no way meant to insinuate that a 4 and 5 should ideally connect over a 2 and 10.
This concept is simply pointing out that we innately have many soma-being frequencies beyond the 3  basic cGPTs. lIVIN4d will not get into the subfrequenies beyond the FOX P2 (+/-) language overlay factor at this point in time as it does not seek to build complicated foundations. 
Different types of relational combination frequencies work better for different types of people. It is important to recognize this aspect in the beginning. Therefore, if you are a more highly animated personality type with a high volume such as in the GG or blue GPT, and you pair with an orange GPT, an important question one might ask each other,
"How has the volume intensity been in your previous relationships? Was this (amplitude) level too much or too little for you?"
By asking the above question at the beginning of dating, if an oGPT answers something like, "the volume is often high and it often too much for me," if you are a bGPT and you know your range is on the high end of blue amplitude, you might walk away from the dating process at this early point in time rather than exert any more energy into the relationship.
By asking the above question at the beginning of dating, if a bGPT answers something like, "the volume is often low and it often too little for me," if you are an oGPT and you know your range is on the low end of orange amplitude, you might walk away from the dating process at this early point in time rather than exert any more energy into the relationship.
However, if a bGPT really chemically connects with an oGPT or vice versa (knowing that you may learn a lot of amazing things from each other and there may also be more frictional possibility), you can consciously and cognitively adjust your relational knob, knowing that you are interacting with an individual with a large frequency differential.
As earlier mentioned, the greater the relational frequency differential, the greater the potential for friction and the greater the potential for learning connection. To repeat, this concept is not to insinuate that people of large frequency differentials should connect with each other over those with smaller frequency differentials.
As the expression goes, love is "in the eye of the beholder." One individual might prefer to feel love connect at an amplitude share of a 4+5. Another might prefer to feel love connect at an amplitude share of 2+10.
One who prefers a 4+5 (range) sinusoidal shared frequency relationship and verbalizes such during the dating process by establishing the above question, can have a relationship with the 2+10 (range) sinusoidal frequency, but it would then be the choice of the 2+10 (range) to adjust his/her wave to the 4+5 (range) as the 4+5 range preference would be overtly verbalized at the beginning of the dating process.
One who prefers a 2+10 (range) sinusoidal shared frequency relationship and verbalizes such during the dating process by establishing the above question, can have a relationship with the 4+5 (range) sinusoidal frequency, but it would then be the choice of the 4+5 (range) to adjust his/her wave to the 2+10 (range) as the 2+10 range preference would be overtly verbalized at the beginning of the dating process.
Conceptually speaking, this is not to say that the person who verbalizes importance of frequency range from the get-go has the power. lIVIN4d is just stating that this awareness is an important reference point to have from the beginning of a relationship.
Therefore when future friction arises, the 2-10er type, knows it is important to watch his/her innate increased preferred amplitude range. The 4-5er type knows it is important to watch his/her innate prefered  amplitude range.
This baseline origination sets the expected emotion tonal range from the beginning. It's like a knowing the parameters of your building and how many floors it has prior to moving into it.

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