Thursday, 10 September 2015

16. Vasoppressin: Oxytocin's Complementary Molecule and Further Investigations

Vasoppressin and Oxytocin are both 9 amino acids in length. To provide a little background, an amino acid is made up of any combination of 3 of the 4 genetic DNA letters (A,C,T,G). Vasoppressin and Oxytocin differ from each other by only one amino acid located at the 8th position.
Vasoppressin and Oxytocin carry out some similar functions within our human personalities. So, while livin4d doesn't focus on Vasoppressin at the current time, livin4d wants to state  an interesting point in that there is a good possibility Vasoppressin has a tertiary effect on Genetic Personality Type in addition to Oxytocin located on Chromosome 3p25 and Fox P2 located on Chromosome 7.
The tertiary effect Vasoppressin has on personality has to do with mating behavior and longevity. Supposedly Vasoppressin predominantly affects male's mating behavior according to author Louanne Brizendine.  Although livin4d would apply The "Vasoppressin Concept" to both genders as it views humanity as joined by 3 GPTs transcendent of gender. 
Previous research already conducted on Prarie Voles and montane voles suggest these voles sexual and monogamous behavior are different from each other. Prarie voles engage in long term monogamous relationships whereas montane voles seek promiscuity, sexual variety and one night stands. The differences of these two voles' mating strategies has to do with variation in brain structure as a result of Vasoppressin differences.
Similar to prarie voles, research supports the idea that humans also have two different types of mating strategies: long term monogamous sexual behavior and one night stand promiscuous sexual behavior. Research states these variances are due to different brain structures as a result of varying forms of Vasoppressin.
One can have a long form of Vasoppressin or many repeats of the 9 amino acid chain, or a short form of Vasoppressin or a few repeats of the 9 amino acid combination chain. Depending on which form of Vasopressin an individual has, determines the type of sexual behavior one will have a tendency in which s/he engages.
In her book, The Male Brain, Author Louanne Brizendine references research conducted that "males" with the longer form of the Vasoppressin gene or more repeats of the 9 amino acid chain have a tendency to be more monogamous and have happy lasting relationships in comparison to men who having the shorter version of the Vasoppressin gene.
Livin4d is not aquiesing this Vasoppressin concept as fact or theory (not that science accepts anything as fact), but livin4d wants to reference the Vasoppressin Concept as "food for thought" for future and further scientific  investigations in application to both genders.
A more detailed further scientific investigation would be to examine: "In which GPT (Blue, Green, Orange) do longer repeats of the Vasoppressin amino acid exist? If livin4d focused on Vasoppressin, it would hypothesize that longer repeats of the 9 amino acid combination Vasoppressim would exist in the Blue Genetic Personality Type and the shortest repeat a of the 9 amino acid chain would exist in the Orange GPT with a middle length occurring in Green GPT.

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