Lovin4d's Medical Application of lIVIN4d
While lIVIN4d focuses on the field of interpersonal relationships, it will take one side-step in order to apply a concept to the medical community.
lIVIN4d incorporates the concept of Self Reference Point Spectrum or (SRPS). On a mass level, we currently only utilize an Other Reference Point Spectrum (ORPS).
An (SRPS) Self Reference Point Spectrum in which to compare any variabled self reference point (RP) to self is important as it gives personal bearings to that reference point (RP). Currently we only have an self reference point comparison to (ORPS). While this comparison provides some valuable information in terms of items listed below, it is not a good guage to monitor self over the course of time as can be seen in the diagrams.
For example, when one is getting a blood test, whether symptomatic or asymptomatic, there are certain "normaized" readings in which comparisons are made.
While medically, many marker variables can be examined (blood cell count, oxygenation levels, glucose, lipids), lIVIN4d will use two variables as examples in order to demonstrate why SRPS are important in comparison to ORPS.
An (ORPS) normalized Thyroid level (TSH) range is 3-12. An (ORPS) normalized Prostate level range is 200-800. If one goes for an anual test and/or is symptomatic, s/he will receive results. Perhaps a person is symptomatic but her TSH levels return as 4 or 10 dependent on if one is experiencing hypothyrodism issues or hyperthyroidism issues . This 4 and 10 are well within the 3-12 range.
Great generalized result information, however these results do not aid the symptom bearer as the results often end in a practitioner's dismissive commentary and blaming of the patient for exhibiting "hypochondriosis." Who is to say that the patient exhibiting symptoms did not start with a level 10? Thus a 4 would be a low reading for that individual. Who is to say that the patient exhibiting symptoms in the reverse direction did not start with a level 4? Thus a 10 would be a high reading for that individual.
It is for this very reason that an (SRPS) is valuable. It provides the ability for individual readings of self to self variables (Thyroid or other) so one can track and monitor one's self over the course of time.
Let's take the Prostate spectrum. The ORPS is 200-800. If one is experiencing erectile symptomology but receives results that are of 400, this result is well within range. If one receives a result of 650, this is also well within range. The patient who is exhibiting symptoms does not benefit from hearing this normalized feedback. If the 400 person is familiar with being a 650, this is quite a drop for him. If the person is used to being 400, this is quite a "raise" for him. If one is familiar with having a high sex drive and then self frequency decreases, a 400 normal range response is not helpful. If one is familiar with having a low sex drive and then self frequency increases, a 650 normal range response is not helpful. (Assuming the variable change is not personally favorable). It is for these mentioned reasons that an SRPS is very important in addition to an ORPS . (Caveat: Thyroid and Prostate levels naturally decline with age, thus making it even more important to have SRPS and ORPS comparisons over the course of time to adjust for the natural decline factor also allow of for moderate adjustment to be made over the course of time rather than after the onset of symptomology). (Caveat 2: Levels of these two examples can also be affected by altered neurotransmitter levels so it is also important to keep in mind the influences or changes that can be attributed to secondary or even tertiary originations.)
With the current technology we have, there is no reason these 1', 2' and 3' cannot be tracked over time in order to understand not only changes over time but influences of one and the other.
With the current technology we have, there is no reason we cannot have an amylase or salivary litmus app hook test to personalized phone in order to monitor self levels on a daily, weekly, monthly, annual or never basis for any chosen set of variables.
These variables could get uploaded online to a self and/or family data bank personally located at @www.lovin4d.com in order to monitor changing levels of self and family (even intergenerationally) over the course of time.
Chosen amylase variables could remain constant and/or some could be added or taken away dependent upon the individual and/or MDs suggestions. There could be a component of this mass data bank to track surrounding environmental changes that are parallel to amylase levels (blood equivalent) giving the individual and family power to adjust environmental parameters that can be changed. For those willing to be open faced, and or an anonymous section could allow for city comparisons as people living in similar environmental milieu share similar variables (paint exposure, construction, truck fumes, low in the local spinach, aflatoxin in corn etc. etc.)
www.lovin4d.com could be connected to any hospital or local MD databank such that the individual doesn't even have to monitor personal levels if s/he doesn't want to. All s/he would have to do is use the litmus app on peronalized schedule. A text response or an email notification alert system could be coordinated such that set that if personal readings inched too far off the normalized bell curve to either SRPS or ORPS, the individual would be notified. This notification would serve to inform the person that at this point in time, further steps or investigations should be explored.
Lovin4d imagines, similar to netflix, this type of SRPS service could be available to all and set up on an "incremental monthly charge" based on how many variables and environmental factors were being explored. There would be separate additional charge factors like if someone wanted to keep on data bank the intergenerational readings stored.
From an epidemiological perspective on a global level, lovin4d's readings will be very valuable as well in that they demonstrate FTP or Floating Topographical People results. An FTP is mentioned in one of my other blog posts (not associated with this one). It pre-signals pre-spike levels of possible contagion outbreaks and virus spreads such as ebola, the bubonic plague, influenza, AIDS whatever is the disease of the generation.
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