Wednesday, 30 September 2015

42. lIVIN4d+lOVIN4d

Imagine the Now of the future where lIVIN4d meets LOVIN4d.
Imagine a world where as an individual, we can have optimal functioning on a soma-existence and a personality-existence.
Imagine a world where as a collective, we can have optimal functioning on a soma-connect and a personality-connect.
Imagine a world where transcendent of any race, gender, age, spoken language, written word or practiced religion, we can have a unification of all beings with room for individuality.
LIVIN4d has met LOVIN4d. The choice to X it out or cross it into the ground is up to you. The choice to OI the message is up to you.
It's a 'lit' mus strip away.

41. Chemistry: Stoichometric Balancing of Relationships

(>|<)r+p= -q (Receiver Result Equation Applied to Dynamic Relationships)
(>|<)r+p= -q
Receiver Angle plus Provider/Presenter = negative Truth/Trust
It often seems that when a "Provider/Presenter," whether it be an acquaintance, a friend, a romance, an educational setting and/or a business interaction is stating something from his/her (p) framework about his/her (p) life, the  Receiver (r) angles (>|<) the content share through his/her (p) lens.
The angling of (p)'s truth through (r)'s lens of view, subsequent assumptions and feedback results not only in -(q), a refraction or beding of truth, but it often results in a (-) response of (p) represented in the following relational equation:
(>|<)r+p= -q
Therefore q+(>|<)= - p
Emotional and cognitive parallel examples to the above mathematical theorem include but are not limited to the following:
(p) Provider/Presenter response to (>|<)r response
Adult Presenter (AP) version
(Acting Out) toward other
-Upset (loss of feeling other's love)
-Withdraw/pull away/silence
-Return yelling
(Acting In) toward self
-upset (loss of self)
-Manifestations of eating issues
-Self hatred/self punishment
-Psychosomatic manifestations
-Tichotilomania, OCD, Touretts and other related forms of repetitive
Kid Presenter version
As a Kid's personality is in the shaping process, the p results are slightly different from adult p results of the above equation as is presented in the following examples:
Acting Out  (toward other)
Gang joining
Name calling
Verbal resolution attempt mimicry  patterns
Acting In (toward self)
"Shame" or "shy" erroneous beliefs
Eating disorders
Friendship making tactics
Self esteem
Self awareness
These resulting examples are due to the communicational  breakdown of provider/presenter and receiver based on our current modalities of interacting and lack of psyche awareness.
The above mentioned lists are boxed in categories within the outdated DSM-5, but as the tiers of categorization currently exist due to faulty ways of rearing our current children and living our adult lives, LIVIN4D utilizes existing language for understanding purposes as we are not yet all on the other side. LIVIN4d  meets us where we are currently at in order to connect the dots for our future expansion.
Aside from acting out and acting in manifestations, (>|<)r results in adults' relational friction.  As we all are part of an interwoven living communal organism, friction affects our interpersonal relationships on all levels. lIVIN4d provides blueprints for eliminating this friction.
(>|<)r results in the shaping of Kid Presenters' (KP) Genetic Personality Types.
Remember that each Kid (as does the adult) has one of three GPTs (blue, green, orange) with a (+/-) FOX P2 language spin option: 3 types with 3 subtype options, same as adults resulting in 6 different overall types of personalities: (bGPT+)(bGPT-) (gGPT+)(gGPT-)(oGPT+)(oGPT-)
(>|<)r in terms of a shaping a child's personality not only refracts KP's self truth, manifesting in the above mentioned acting in and/or acting out scenarios, but it can also result in shutting down facets of personality formation and unique attributes of self. On an individual level, (>|<)r decreases self share and individual expansion of the Kid. On a group level (>|<)r limits structural interaction formations of children.
A human's personality construction is like the growing of a tree. Imagine the tree trunk taking (0-5 years) to build solid stability. A tree starts with a germinating seed. The seed sprouts and roots get dispersed and well established into soil, reaching deep into layers of pre-existing material and nutrients.
This germinating tree can be watered and given nutrients as the personality seed is the "bulb" and "sole" of our existence in its budding formation. With a strong base, it can branch, bud and flower in a myriad of directions.
By utilizing the above math equation and many others, lIVIN4d provides the environmental parameters for optimal self and relational growth beginning in the childhood years.
As we move into adulthood, lIVIN4d provides the network for our branches to share interconnectivity without our emotional limbs snapping as a result of friction.
lIVIN4D is live and organic with base for budding roots and constructional flexibility for uniqueness, "growth," and change over time. Unlike tiered buildings with boxed in categorical assumptions and their inverses, lIVIN4d allows for stigma free creative individuals. It is important to conceptually understand the limitations of erecting buildings with respect to personalilities.
The  foundational process of erecting building is leveling in a couple of ways. It doesn't allow for organic roots to take hold connecting us with the earth and with deeper layers of life energy beyond spoken word. Therefore building foundations place barriers within the flow of generational transcendence. Following the pouring of foundation, walls are erected, segmented and squared off, thus isolating people into boxed existences of soma and psyche.
This building analogy is what the DSM-5 does to our psyches in terms of diagnosing and erroneously categorizing humanity into sicknesses. As the song doesn't go, "we are (not) born sick."
lIVIN4d removes boxed categorizations and bulleted  diagnostic assumptions by providing the bases of life. It is these bases which remain constant both in biology and math. The bases can be arranged and rearranged, planted and replanted. Totipontency allows for circulation across family generations which is quite different from building and bulldozing.
Not with respect to years, but with respect to each angled (>|<)r response of Receiver toward the Kid Presenter (KP) the q floors of psyche  get slanted in the direction of the (>|<)r  or in the direction away from the (>|<)r. This is the natural current of energy. This current of Receiver's energy in the direction of KP results in floors being built for Presenter not for Receiver. lIVIN4d provides blueprints for contoured share allowing for both R and P to retain their authentic selves. lIVIN4d opens doors to previously closed walls for q (self truth)  to grow. Prior to lIVIN4d, r and p have been stunted.
Back to the original equaton:
(>|<)r+p= -q
Therefore q=minus(>|<)r+p
-(>|<) where (-) is not negative, rather it is the elimination of the Receiver's angle or minus the (+ or -), resulting in an ability for Provider/Presenter to grow rather than be shut down (-) or pressured (+) in a direction. This stoichiometric application applies to CGPT interpersonal connections for Kid and Adult cGPTs.
Examples of Receiver effects (Acting In, Acting Out) resulting from angled Provider/Presenter responses  (>|<) were stated above.
Examples of angled Provider/Presenter responses may include but not be limited to:
Quick go to statements
Emotional responses
Self references
(lIVIN4d will provide specific  anecdotal receiver angle and provider/presenter examples in a future blog post.
The above mentioned relational equation is not to imply that people are not entitled to their opinions and/or idea suggestional shares of self with other.
lIVIN4d suggests there is an optimal method in which diffusional  ideas can exchange and enhance self, other and group, thus eliminating friction. The above mathematical stoichiometric equation serves to supplement Tennet 4's "Anchoring concept."
On a generalized social level, the
(>|<)r increases idea share and social expansion of the group on: child, adult, school, business level
Now that I have written all this, I am confusing myself with the balancing of stoichiometry. . . I must move on so if someone catches a mistake and or can conceptually make a better picture in terms of chemical overlay to the Ps and Qs, lIVIN4d opens the invitation to supplement and revise, as LIVIN4d is too comprehensive for any one being to fulfill in its entirety.

Monday, 28 September 2015

40. Creating a Shared Volume Range of Relational Intensity

Determining Dating and Level Frequency and setting Relational Tone
People operate on different frequency levels; not better not worse, just different ranges.
For sake of ease, let's say there are 10 levels of Personality Frequencies (which may be adjusted at a future time if more clarity is gained).
When couples form, there is a certain difference in range between the two individuals. Let's call these individuals A and B. The greater the distance or difference in personality frequencies between the two people engaging, the more potential there is to learn from one another. Also, there is a greater potential level for friction to arise.
Similar to atomic configurations, in which electrons "like" to be close to the nucleus, so too do individuals "like" to be close to each other. 
A 4 and 5 personality may get along great and be in great love with little friction as they are sinusoidally close together in terms of wave amplitude. A 2 and 10 personality may not get along great and be in great love with at of friction as they are sinusoidally far from each other in terms of wave amplitude.
It takes much more exerted energy for the personality types 2 and 10 to share connection than it does the 4 and 5 personalities. These analogies are absolutely in no way meant to insinuate that a 4 and 5 should ideally connect over a 2 and 10.
This concept is simply pointing out that we innately have many soma-being frequencies beyond the 3  basic cGPTs. lIVIN4d will not get into the subfrequenies beyond the FOX P2 (+/-) language overlay factor at this point in time as it does not seek to build complicated foundations. 
Different types of relational combination frequencies work better for different types of people. It is important to recognize this aspect in the beginning. Therefore, if you are a more highly animated personality type with a high volume such as in the GG or blue GPT, and you pair with an orange GPT, an important question one might ask each other,
"How has the volume intensity been in your previous relationships? Was this (amplitude) level too much or too little for you?"
By asking the above question at the beginning of dating, if an oGPT answers something like, "the volume is often high and it often too much for me," if you are a bGPT and you know your range is on the high end of blue amplitude, you might walk away from the dating process at this early point in time rather than exert any more energy into the relationship.
By asking the above question at the beginning of dating, if a bGPT answers something like, "the volume is often low and it often too little for me," if you are an oGPT and you know your range is on the low end of orange amplitude, you might walk away from the dating process at this early point in time rather than exert any more energy into the relationship.
However, if a bGPT really chemically connects with an oGPT or vice versa (knowing that you may learn a lot of amazing things from each other and there may also be more frictional possibility), you can consciously and cognitively adjust your relational knob, knowing that you are interacting with an individual with a large frequency differential.
As earlier mentioned, the greater the relational frequency differential, the greater the potential for friction and the greater the potential for learning connection. To repeat, this concept is not to insinuate that people of large frequency differentials should connect with each other over those with smaller frequency differentials.
As the expression goes, love is "in the eye of the beholder." One individual might prefer to feel love connect at an amplitude share of a 4+5. Another might prefer to feel love connect at an amplitude share of 2+10.
One who prefers a 4+5 (range) sinusoidal shared frequency relationship and verbalizes such during the dating process by establishing the above question, can have a relationship with the 2+10 (range) sinusoidal frequency, but it would then be the choice of the 2+10 (range) to adjust his/her wave to the 4+5 (range) as the 4+5 range preference would be overtly verbalized at the beginning of the dating process.
One who prefers a 2+10 (range) sinusoidal shared frequency relationship and verbalizes such during the dating process by establishing the above question, can have a relationship with the 4+5 (range) sinusoidal frequency, but it would then be the choice of the 4+5 (range) to adjust his/her wave to the 2+10 (range) as the 2+10 range preference would be overtly verbalized at the beginning of the dating process.
Conceptually speaking, this is not to say that the person who verbalizes importance of frequency range from the get-go has the power. lIVIN4d is just stating that this awareness is an important reference point to have from the beginning of a relationship.
Therefore when future friction arises, the 2-10er type, knows it is important to watch his/her innate increased preferred amplitude range. The 4-5er type knows it is important to watch his/her innate prefered  amplitude range.
This baseline origination sets the expected emotion tonal range from the beginning. It's like a knowing the parameters of your building and how many floors it has prior to moving into it.

39. Don't "Take Turns," - Make Calculated Decisions

No % Breakdowns: They have "Broken Down."
In adding to the two following concepts:
1. 90 degree angle (60/30 or 30/60 shares)
2. Covalent and Ionic bonding
It is important to recognize the importance of steering away from percentage breakdowns as these percentages conceptually reinforce: us verses them, me verses you. (I state this because I found myself doing the percentage conversions of the angles and bonds and thus asked myself the question: Why am I doing this? Because as I was calculating the percentages from the triangle correlation and the chemical shares, I noticed myself having an emotionally charged reaction to, "oh that's 70%, that's a lot," or "20% - whoah.") So in any case, in a previous post I did reference one percentage. I am going to leave just that one as it provides some reference point to our current view of things. I will not convert any further lIVIN4d scenarios into percentages for the "pre-emotional' attachment reason described above.
While competition may be fun on a playing groud scenario at any age and any field, it is not fun when we are are cerebrally trying to connect, especially in that we have no somatic outlet when we are standing in front of each other having friction.
Therefore, by creating new tabula rasa or blank slate interpersonal scenarios and analogies to relational workings, lIVIN4d knows  that previous erroneous underpinnings can be eliminated and new buildings without false facades can be erected.
By molting previous layers and masks (due to our own shames and inabilities to truly speak "oir" truths) that have made us callous to ourselves, and 'unreal' in relationships we currently don't see through too many veils. lIVIN4d  allows us to expand our vision by truly opening our eyes, washing us clean of our ancestors conditioned "pass-me ons."
It is for this Tabula Rasa  reason that LIVIN4d  believes it important to not mentally calculate the angle and share breakdowns into percentages. By doing such, it would neurological (gyri, sulci) groove and engrave us back into previous mental existence which science and math prove erroneous not only in the psychiatric world, but in the medical and interpersonal world as well.

38. Medical Phone Application (Neurotransmitters, Hormones and Serum Levels).

Lovin4d's Medical Application of lIVIN4d
While lIVIN4d focuses on the field of interpersonal relationships, it will take one side-step in order to apply a concept to the medical community.
lIVIN4d  incorporates the concept of Self Reference Point Spectrum or (SRPS). On a mass level, we currently only utilize an Other Reference Point Spectrum (ORPS).
An (SRPS) Self Reference Point Spectrum in which to compare any variabled self reference point (RP) to self is important as it gives personal bearings to that reference point (RP). Currently we only have an self reference point comparison to (ORPS). While this comparison provides some valuable information in terms of items listed below, it is not a good guage to monitor self over the course of time as can be seen in the diagrams.
For example, when one is getting a blood test, whether symptomatic or asymptomatic, there are certain "normaized" readings in which comparisons are made.
While medically, many marker variables can be examined (blood cell count, oxygenation levels, glucose, lipids), lIVIN4d will use two variables as examples in order to demonstrate why SRPS are important in comparison to ORPS.
An (ORPS) normalized Thyroid level (TSH) range is 3-12. An (ORPS) normalized Prostate level range is 200-800. If one goes for an anual test and/or is symptomatic, s/he will receive results. Perhaps a person is symptomatic but her TSH  levels return as 4 or 10 dependent on if one is experiencing hypothyrodism issues or hyperthyroidism issues . This 4 and 10 are well within the 3-12 range.
Great generalized result information, however these results do not aid the symptom bearer as the results often end in a practitioner's dismissive commentary and blaming of the patient for exhibiting "hypochondriosis."  Who is to say that the patient exhibiting symptoms did not start with a level 10? Thus a 4 would be a low reading for that individual. Who is to say that the patient exhibiting symptoms in the reverse direction did not start with a level 4? Thus a 10 would be a high reading for that individual.
It is for this very reason that an (SRPS) is valuable. It provides the ability for individual readings of self to self variables (Thyroid or other) so one can track and monitor one's self over the course of time.
Let's take the Prostate spectrum. The ORPS is 200-800. If one is experiencing erectile symptomology but receives results that are of 400, this result is well within range. If one receives a result of 650, this is also well within range. The patient who is exhibiting symptoms does not benefit from hearing this normalized feedback. If the 400 person is familiar with being a 650, this is quite a drop for him. If the person is used to being 400, this is quite a "raise" for him. If one is familiar with having a high sex drive and then self frequency decreases, a 400 normal range response is not helpful. If one is familiar with having a low sex drive and then self frequency increases, a 650 normal range response is not helpful. (Assuming the variable change is not personally favorable).  It is for these mentioned reasons that an SRPS is very important in addition to an ORPS . (Caveat: Thyroid and Prostate levels naturally decline with age, thus making it even more important to have SRPS and ORPS comparisons over the course of time to adjust for the natural decline factor also allow of for moderate adjustment to be made over the course of time rather than after the onset of symptomology). (Caveat 2: Levels of these two examples can also be affected by altered neurotransmitter levels so it is also important to keep in mind the influences or changes that can be attributed to secondary or even tertiary originations.)
With the current technology we have, there is no reason these 1', 2' and 3' cannot be tracked over time in order to understand not only changes over time but influences of one and the other.
With the current technology we have, there is no reason we cannot have an amylase or salivary litmus app hook test to personalized  phone in order to monitor self levels on a daily, weekly, monthly, annual or never basis for any chosen set of variables.
These variables could get uploaded online to a self and/or family data bank personally located at in order to monitor changing levels of self and family (even intergenerationally) over the course of time.
Chosen amylase variables could remain constant and/or some could be added or taken away dependent upon the individual and/or MDs suggestions. There could be a component of this mass data bank  to track surrounding environmental changes that are parallel to amylase levels (blood equivalent) giving the individual and family power to adjust environmental parameters that can be changed. For those willing to be open faced, and or an anonymous section could allow for city comparisons as people living in similar environmental milieu  share similar variables (paint exposure, construction, truck fumes, low in the local spinach, aflatoxin  in corn  etc. etc.) could be connected to any hospital or local MD databank such that the individual doesn't even have to monitor personal levels if s/he doesn't want to. All s/he would have to do is use the litmus app on peronalized schedule. A text response or an email notification alert system could be coordinated such that set that if personal readings inched too far off the normalized bell curve to either SRPS or ORPS, the individual would be notified. This notification would serve to inform the person that at this point in time, further steps or investigations should be explored.
Lovin4d  imagines, similar to  netflix, this type of SRPS service could be available to all and set up on an "incremental monthly charge" based on how many variables and environmental factors were being explored. There would be separate additional charge factors like if someone wanted to keep on data bank the intergenerational readings stored.
From an epidemiological perspective on a global level, lovin4d's readings will be very valuable as well in that they demonstrate FTP or Floating Topographical People results. An FTP is mentioned in one of my other blog posts (not associated with this one). It pre-signals pre-spike levels of possible contagion outbreaks and virus spreads such as ebola, the bubonic plague, influenza, AIDS whatever is the disease of the generation.

Saturday, 26 September 2015

37. Covalent and Ionic Shares: Relational Chemistry

Chemical Dynamics: Ionic and Covalent Bonds:
LIVIN4d will conceptually demonstrate chemistry complementing the 60/30 mathematical angle application to lIVIN4d. As previously mentioned, lIVIN4d eliminates the need for psychotherapy and medications as they are currently prescribed.
lIVIN4d  is not a form or dorm of therapy. It is a way of living. "Take it or leave it." I am simply transmitting  the structural underpinnings that logically and chemically make sense as lIVIN4d is not only rooted in biology but it is the bases for creating systemic organization. Whether you choose to acquiesce this structure or not is up to you. Whether you choose to fill life "cells" with happiness, is up to you. Now that we have gotten that reminder out of the way, back to chemistry ;)
In relationships, we have different types of exchanges and different types of shares, not to mention, we have different forms of relationships.
In chemistry, we have Ionic and Covalent bonds between and among atoms and compounds. Atoms are from the same element. Compounds are from different elemental arrangements and combinations. That aspect doesn't matter at the moment perse, I just thought I'd provide a little bit of chemistry background.
What does matter is that the two types of exchanges: Ionic and Covalent are parallel logical suppport to the mathematical 60/30 break down for the solid foundational building of interpersonal dynamics.
In an atom, there are protons and neutrons within the nucleus. A proton has a (+) charge and a neutron has a neutral charge. Electrons swirl around the atom and try have a (-) charge. These charges don't make protons "good" and electrons "bad;" they simply have to do with currents, attraction, repulsion and balance.
In our relationships, it is ideal to eliminate the attachment to ego reflecting judgment of (+,-) of self and other people and their opinions as they are simply an energetic overlay to words.
Sticking with the logical side of things without the emotional overlay we can begin to rebuild truth that doesn't get blown around with the wind. We can build stability of solid exchanges rather than atomic and compounded molecules that are highly reactive.
lIVIN4d  does not intend to eliminate emotion. This stated, emotion will be more respected, appreciated and valued if it makes sense. Otherwise, we will all just stand around, laugh at each other, scratch our heads and think other is stupid. Making sense of emotion and forming bonds of connection requires a supporting structure that can hold and contain emotion. Being the container is neither the job or function of a man, a woman, an adult or a child. It is an external matrix I'm that supports us all.
Back to atoms. Different atoms have different numbers of protons and different numbers of electrons. It is primarily these two particles that makes elements unique from each other. Regardless of elements, electrons are "housed" in surrounding rings around the proton neutron center. Picture a boiled egg. The center yolk  would be the nucleus containing the proton and neutron. The barrier between the yolk and the surrounding albumin  or white layer would be the layer where the first layer consisting of 2 electrons circulate. The "shell" of the egg or the barrier between the albumin and the surrounding world would be the layer where the second layer consisting of 8 electrons circulate.
The number of electon containers is always the same regardless of how many atoms an element has. On the first layer between yolk and albumin, there are 2 containers. On the second layer between shell and outside air, there are 8 containers. These containers may or may not be filled depending on how many electrons are present. For example, Helium has 2 electrons, so the first 2 containers will be filled. Another element may have 10 electrons. Therefore the first 2 containers on level 1 (yolk/albumin (white) are filled and the 8 containers on shell/outside level are also filled. For purposes of application to interpersonal relationships, these chemical aspects are all that matter for now.
Imagine each Genetic Personality Type to have all levels of egg filled. Therefore, as can be seen in the attached diagram, a Covalent share between one or more GPTs would "share" based on the drawn diagramatic  electron arrangement.
This type of Covalent share would apply to relational concepts that are not that energetically heated so to speak. They are easy agreements to be made. In examining the Venn diagram electon arramgment pattern of 2/3 overlapping circles or electron pathways, each individual has 7 individual electrons and 1 shared electons, meaning that 87.5% of your idea/beliefs/sides are not being interfered by other. An example of this covalent share might be, if you both agree you want to see an action movie, whether you see _____,_______ doesn't matter son much. You are not determining if you want to see a comedy or an action movie. That decision has already been determined and the first 2 electons are filled in their containers.
In examining the Venn diagram for Covalent shares, there is also the dynamic of a 3rd atom introduced. This 3rd circle in the Venn diagram is equivalent to a 3rd Genetic Personality Type being introduced into the interpersonal equation. This share would be equivalent to all three individuals agreeing to see an action movie. If two movies are given ad options: ______,_______; it may be slightly more difficult to all agree, but it is still an easy choice ad the genre of movie has already been agreed upon and each individual has his/her first level of electrons shared. (Trust me, I known friction can even begin with whether or not to see a movie but that will be furthet addressed with the Dopamine Concept later). In the sharing of 3 outer shells or a total of 24 electrons in energetic determinant of what action movie to see, (as represented in the diagram), there is slightly more "giving of self" in that if the movie is not your ideal choice, you would maintaining 75% of your self idea and sharing 25%.
These share statistics slightly change if 3 action movies options are "on the table." (please come up with a new expression). The relational conceptual idea of Covalent Sharing is that in interperonal relations, it is important to establish baseline share undwrstandings and logical parameters to make sense of relating. In elwctrical terms, knowing your share ratio of 7/8 electons or 6/8 electrons is important because it helps to retain accurate perspective and proportion of "shares." (On a business level shares could be translated into "deals/transactions."
Ionic sharing is different from Covalent sharing in that more love is shared and more individual idea is "put aside." The idea put to the side may be temporary and it may be permanent depending on content of idea and timing etc. This stated, determining an Ionic Share is important as it cuts the perpetual future nagging, ramifications and grudges that arise as a result of idea put aside.
It is important to reframe our language in describing Ionic Sharing in that it is not loss of an idea, rather it is a choice to share love. This reframing in descriptive language reminds us that we are choosing to share future vision with someone or some people. We are not "losing" or giving up anything.
As stated in Principle 2 of lIVIN4d's  Playing Field Tennet, when in relationships, we are making a choice to be playing the same sport. A gentle reminder that we can leave the relationship at any time and play a different sport. (It is suggested that lIVIN4d is fully incorporated into dynamics prior to making the decision to part as lIVIN4d is the only logical framework for proper functioning of the relational machine).
Back to Ionic Shares. Ionic Sharing is applied to interpersonal decision making and processing that is potentially more volatile than covalent shares as more electons or attachment to idea is put aside with the choice to share more love as can be seen in the diagram.
If a couple is deciding whether to live in the country or city, it is a fairly large agreement to make. From my own life experience, there can be a lot of attachment to environmental surroundings and vision of home. A large agreement like environmental setting has the potential to result in a lot of relational friction.
With the application of the Ionic Sharing principle, LIVIN4d circumvents this potential relational friction. The same atomic egg concept applies to the electron configuration of Ionic Shares. The first layer has 2 electons filled and the second layer has 8 electon containers.
In the environmental choice scenario, if one person would prefer to live in the city and lovingly  agrees to live in the country, she would be sharing 5 electrons of love, moving her city 3 electons to the country side. As a result, as can be seen in the diagram, a total of 8 love electrons between the two individuals are joined and a total of 8 idea foundational electons are joined. 5 love electons are shared  from the city mover to the country. 3 love electons are shared from the person attached to the country idea as that is the one being supported and erected.
It is important to picture these relational agreements and interpersonal relationship arrangements with this Ionic Share structural framework as it allows for true visual clarity.
As a result of conceptually understanding lIVIN4d's ionic underpinnings, awareness of self and other can be appreciated as relations move into a shared future. Consequently, now that this structural latice is understood, there is movement space for couples to guage their own future "balancing" of their lives equations.
In a future content scenario using the above Ionic share latice  framework, that same couple might Ionically share in the other direction for relational balancing. For example, assuming both partners want to have a child, she wants (prefers) to have one in a year, he wants (prefers) to have in 2 years. This variance could easily cause a frictional discrepancy as people get energetically attached to these concepts. (The irony, not ionically, is that people argue about this stuff so much that the result often doesn't even manifest so the argument is actually moot in the first place, but anyway :)
Relational decisions should never evolve into "tit for tat," (whatever that expression means). Once an Ionic share agreement is incorporated into relational fabric, it exists within that relationship. Partners will know the balancing with respect to time and content or number of decisions made on which love electrons are shared on a 3 or 5 level. If both partners choose to invest in the future vision of the relationship, this balancing effect will naturally occur.
lIVIN4d sets no firm rules as to whether or not "gentle reminders" are needed for ionic balancing as each GPT benefits from different interpersonal dynamics and manifestations.
lIVIN4D will state that if gentle Ionic Share reminders are beneficial to the GPT arrangement, practicing of the Dopamine Concept is ideal for conveyence of these reminders in terms of increasing connections.

Friday, 25 September 2015

36. Decreasing Relational Friction with the 60/30 Angle Concept (Part 2)

When a relational theory is structurally designed with "chemisty" that makes sense, electrical stability is created and shared. Livin4d is not only  biologically 'based,' it is chemically and mathematically stable as well.
This blog post will add to the previous blog post mathematically substantiating the foundational  structure of livin4d. The blog post to follow will apply this Mathematical  concept of angles, direction and momentum to chemical ionic and covalent shares and bonds. Livin4d doesn't "reinvent any wheels" to use the regurgitated expression so to speak. Livin4d utilizes the hard sciences to create a viable milieu for living and connecting.
As mentioned in a previous blog post, bisecting angle views at 50 degrees is not sufficient in terms of building relational connectivity. As individuals we each have unique views in any given situation. These are parameters that will not change as we are contained in our soma (bodies).
Imagine any given difference in view. Visualize yourself standing  due North looking due South (the direction you as an individual want  to head). Visualize your "other,"  standing due East looking due West (the direction your "other" wants to head). The 50/50 juncture would be at the 45 degree angle heading South West. This will not work as Livin4d will explain in a moment.  If the direction is switched, the same conceptual flaw exists: If you are standing due South looking at your "other" who is standing due west, meeting 50/50, you would head North East. This concept is flawed in a couple of ways.
Any momentum moving toward each other from 2 points (the people) at a 90 degree angle will culminate in one of the two following results:
1. As you both stand or walk moving in the shared direction of South West or North East, you will  bump heads at the 45 degree 50/50 supposed meeting place as you will be figuratively walking into a square. Undoubtedly, as one can visualize, hitting an edged corner is not conducive to smooth sailing or curves. Walking at 50/50 or the 45 degree meeting point ends in friction. Friction after friction with any given content disagreement adds up to push individuals further and further away from each other.
2. If you don't bump heads and you move into each other from the East and from the North, or from the West and from the South, you are headed in the shared visional  directions but as momentum keeps moving and you follow that same directional plane, you will end up spinning away from each other. "An object in motion remains in motion if not interrupted by an external force."
This momentum concept is supported from a mathematical perspective as can be seen in the attached diagrams. When this momemtum concept is applied to relationships, it can best be imagined through the sense of loss of self.
If you and other give up 1/2 your ideas and keep moving in the direction of NE or SW as a "shared couple," facing the 45 degree angle,  you will undoubtedly create distance between each other as the momentum concept creates a sense of "loss of self." It initially moves you toward the shared vision (NE or SW), but as none of likes to feel we are losing ourselves in other, we pull back to our original directional stance or ultimately travel full circle back to ourselves as the momentum continued from a 45 degree angle would bring us full circle as can be seen in the diagram.
Livin4d provides a new angle on shared vision. By adjusting for priorities and determining level of importance with respect to any given scenario and or content, the individuals involved in the decision making process can determine if self or other is on the 60 degree 'side' or the 30 degree 'side' at any given point in time.
As the individual attached to the 60 degree angle has more structural support in both content and love at point 1 and perhaps point 2 and 4; it is important that at other points in time (content/choices) "other" has more structural support in content and love, perhaps at points 3, 5 and 6. These give and takes are not to be divided on a 50/50 basis either.
Livin4d will describe at a further point in time how to adequately assess for self attachment versus relational attachment to determine whether one is in the 60 degree angle or the 30 degree angle at any given point in time.

35. Neurological Wiring and Behavioral Patterns

_In_ing outside the box
Livin4d will share and explore some ideas with respect to two articles in this week's paper: school children benefiting from sand box play and high school children being able to perform recussitstion due to app training. The first article states that hands on activity is beneficial to the psyche while the second article encourages training through computer related simulations. Livin4d  connects the advantages of both worlds in order to expand our conscious collective and enhance our interpersonal relationships.
Research shows that tactile hands on engagement and tactile stimulation neurologically and physiologically changes the structure of the brain in terms of how we relate to self, other(s), functioning, and the inner and outer worlds.  Tactile utilization alters the neuronetwork connection with mind, soma (body) and with respect to neurological communal connections with surrounding people.
I don't know about all of you but if I am having surgery in the future with the future doctors of this world and they are not using robotic probes, I hope that they have had as much hands on stimulation and 3d ways of experiencing things and 4d ways of thinking about things as possible.
It is livin4d's opinion that  experiential learnings would ideally span throughout a lifetime, not transitioning from sand box to app training across the span of k-12. In an ideal world, while the content of sand box training would change over the span of linear time, the hands on playing and building would not stoicize into apps or computer simulations.
This is not to say that anything is wrong with computer simulations and graphic design, or examining things through CAD drawings, various rotational blueprint structural representations and interactive software. These are all great technological advancements in which we have access. This stated, it is important to use the above referenced app related trainings as supplemental material to the actual hands on learning processes.
When I went to school as a child, I had the following experiences: Archeological digs, rock climbing, conceptual interactive experiences such as building apparatuses with 8 items in order to catch  a free fall egg without it breaking, wood working with drill presses and saws, nature walks with bird viewing, field trips to construction sites where we actually wore yellow hard hats, looking at energetic fields in surrounding plants (Don Quixote and Celestine Prophesy) and much more.
In an ideal world, rather than sitting in a classroom reading text book material which can have a myriad of cognitive schematic representation overlay idiosyncrasies, it is suggested to increase dexterity opening exercises for children due many reasons. In terms of livin4d's focus, increased cognitive schematic attachment variances result in increased inter-relational friction.
At current time, children grades 1-12 sit in their seats almost all day long. They are lucky to have an art and PE class with limited supplies, a room and possibly a space to run and/or play. This seat sitting exacerbates the "Sleeping Brain Syndrome" (SBS) and the obesity level among children.
The different nuances among children and adults in terms of  mental imagery attached to words is so vast from reading text books and or auditorily listening, that without the shared hands on experience between self neuro-soma and/or other neuro-soma,  over the course of lifetimes, children and people begin to lose mental and verbal connection to their bodies and to others.
The disconnection of self neuro-soma manifests in depression, obesity, acting out etc. The disconnection of other neuro-soma manifests in divorce, fighting interpersonal friction. These outcomes  are due to the fact that the SAME words people share (irregardless of spoken language) have such unique cognitive schematic imagery that interpersonal friction is often the result. Livin4d knows that the more somatic connections we create, the more we can expand on both  individual and interpersonal levels.
As a teacher, I was fortunate enough to have been trained by a hands on supervising teacher, Mr. Rupert in Washington  D.C. who had 29 years of teaching experience at School Without Walls SWW and taught me to use hands on techniques. SWW utilized the city as a resource so I was able to take my students to the zoo and botanical gardens in order to experience rather than watch simulated apps and/or exclusively read in textbooks.
Students could see how light passed through holes in large leaves, hence increasing photosynthetic ability of leaves below due to increased surface area for light hitting chloroplasts. One can read about this in a textbook but when one actually experiences it in person and examines life with a thinking eye, it changes how one views life.
With experiential activities, children can not only gain
4 dimensional understandings of concepts but they can extrapolate concepts and overlay them to other content areas as well. Text book reading narrows the mind's eye. Words and written text are great supplemental material just like computers are, for hands on learning.
I was also fortunate enough to be able to teach students using hands on body simulations to interactively demonstrate such thinks as Na K (3 students in, 2 students out etc) uptake channels, Krebs cycles, circulatory systems and more. We were able to perform hands on laboratory experiences using dissection animals in order to actually systemically understand functioning.  We were able to feel and the vitreous humor and the lens, we were able to study the lateral lines of fish, understand the nervous systems of worms and the cardiac circuits of fetal pigs.
It is quite rare these days to find schools that incorporate hands on interactive modalities, and even if they do exist, the intervention and necessity to abide by academic "standards" and the necessity to cover content and testing within certain time parameters  greatly limits available time for imagination and soma-connect whether it be on a self or other level.
I will speak for myself in saying that in my future, if I ever need surgery, I hope that my MD will have more than app and text book training (even when robotic surgery is the wave). I know currently MDs  have more than app training. I'm just stating there is a big "GAP" between sand boxes and medical school.  Text book learning is written for a certain personality type. The personality type that can read through them become doctors. There are many other marginalized doctors out there whom we will never know because they couldn't schematically visualize the words. Perhaps words are too limiting for some. Afterall, words are 2 dimensional, world's apart from livin4d.
Afterall, do doctors O-P-E-R-A-T-E with words?  No. Don't they think about the quadratic formula or pathagorean theorem or balancing a stoichionetry equation while putting in a pace maker because the Bundle of His isn't sending out proper signals? No. It is due to this discrepancy in word to application  that livin4d seeks to expand opportunities and life satisfaction by 4 dimensionalizing our current word.
Speaking again to app training as referenced in the article, even when we use surgical robotic tools (even when being guided from a source or force beyond this earth), the computerized tools still use the touch of a human hand as MDs  operate them.
In terms of livin4d's focus with respect to expanding interpersonal relationships of both self and other, the neuro-soma connections are fundamental.
With respect to educational learning is important to mention  that children are the "foundation to our future."  These hands on learning and interactional  experiences and "having fun" concepts are ideal to apply to adults.  It is important for us to never stop playing. Furthermore, the more somatic "tie ins" and or sewn stitches we have between and among each other, keeping us connected, the closer our relationships will remain.
When one partner sits at a desk for 10 hours a day plus the commute and the other partner has gone grocery shopping and tended to driving and maintenance of kids, with one 2 week scheduled vacation per year if that, no wonder we have such high relational demise.
Sense of family is non existent and "project building" shared activities are non-existent. Going for a bike ride to count calories does not "count" for sharing.
In an ideal world "shared fun" would  not have an end goal such as fixing the facades of houses and/or as mentioned above, checking the daily exercise routine off the list. A vision and/or goal may emanate out of a shared dexterous activities but the goal is not in and of itself the goal.
Outside of school settings, it would be helpful to have communal stations that couples and/or families could show up and partake in. This would eliminate the need to purchase expensive machinery and/or supplies. Nothing wrong with these purchases, but if you are going to purchase a tigg or mig  welder, it is a pretty large commitment, not to mention adjusting voltage parameters of your electrical circuitry etc. This is assuming where you live even has the capability to do such a thing as many who live in cities and or buildings do not have this capability. Investing in welding is just one example of the commitment. If this commitment is even made,  it is still limiting in that if one wants to build other projects, a mig won't cut wood. An entire other set of tools and machines would be needed for that. You get the "drift."
Livin4d imagines a world where the following stations would exist for everyone to partake in and individually and interpersonally expand in: welding, bike repair and building, graffiti art, paint and canvas, wood working with drill press, saws, ideas of things to build such as wind spinners and wood bowls, boxes and indoor plant containers, guitar playing, gardening, dancing shared cooking, and whatever else anyone else imagines to incorporate.
In an ideal world, the community would support these stations as Livin4d believes the return on the investment will far outweigh the money it would cost to incorporate these concepts.
Livin4d imagines that psychiatric care and medical costs will decrease and the amount of imaginative ideas re-entering the circulation will increase as these ideas ultimately manifest into productivity whether it they are tangible or conceptual in nature.
Livin4d took two articles of the times with respect to "thinking beyond" the sand box and app training and conceptually applied the content to expansion of children's potential and increasing neuro-soma connection of self and neuro-soma connection of self to other in order to enhance relationships. When these relationshipsships enhance, by default, societal interconnectivity will undoubtedly be more connected and expansion is the definitive result. It could be ascertained that anything but expansion would solely be the result of overt or covert fear.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

34. Children's soma-talk communication and Occam's Based Adults

Occam's razor
Occam's razor is a mathematical theorem stating that the most direct and accurate route from point A to point B is the path with the least amount of assumptions.
LIVIN4d understands that friction between and among interpersonal relations emanates out of languages inundated with assumptions.
If we are truly careful to listen,  in less than 5 sentenced these assumption undergarments of langjage can be heard. When the frivolity of fancy words is stripped away, the offensiveness  and disrespect is "unbareable."
While at first listen these language  assumptions may not be overt, with the peeling away of a few sentences  and/or the connecting of a few dots in between sentences, these assumptions are evidently clear.
Assumptions have become the base framework of our language. No matter how fancy and frilly we adorn the clothing attire sentence structure and/or to use another analogy no matter how decorated the exteriors of buildings, the words we use are facades of heart truth.
Livin4d  encourages you to pause and take a minute to really explore the undergarments of phrases you hear.
Furthermore the amount of circulated language is quite ridiculous. We use regurgitated expressions that aren't funny and don't even make sense or apply to what we are saying. Livin4d  encourages you to truly examine how many repeat phrases you use within your daily language.
Many people are dietarily conscious gym goers and careful to watch and monitor what they put into their bodies. Many parents are careful to watch this for their children as well.
Yet from what I hear as I take a listen around, people are not that concerned about the auditory exposure of their children or their families. Lyrics exist such as shoving twinkies  in mouths and vomiting. In public settings, warnings even come on TV announcements that this is not suitable for children yet as I look around there are children listening everywhere. Livin4d  encourages you to take a minute and truly listen to what your children are being exposed to as it is building the structural foundation to their personalities and future interdynmic relationships with self and other.
Language is the food of our life force. We are born into this world as soma selves with energy circuits and currents of connect. If you take  a minute to watch children you will see their pre-lingual soma movements. Notice their hand touching their throats. Notice when their hands raise to the air or when  they stick out an index finger or pinky. Notice when it is the left or right hand. Pay attention  to the toes  and their movements.
Pay attention to what is transpiring  in surrounding simultaneous  environmental parameters as yur children make these somamovements. Notice what is going on within the surrounding environment when they cry out of the blue. Children under the age of 5 are the purest form of this soma energy that connects us all to an interspecies cellular matrix.
As we grow and attach language to our somaselves we drift away from this pure soma matrix connect. There is so much for us to learn and in order to do so we must break ourselves down to basically children in terms of language so we can begin an accurate reconstruction free of the erroneous angles our ancestors generations back built for us. This comment is by no means to blame. They built language as best as they could given the tools and knowledge they had at the time. Since the  we have learned so much and we have learned so little. In any case the growth potential and connectivity are incredible if we are courageous enough to let go of almost everything we know.
When I was coming out on my week's journey across the United States to Toronto on a Greyhound bus, having shed my pre-existence, I was in a space of really being. I was able to observe life through a new lens. On some of these buses, there were young children. Not only did I notice the finger movements for the first time through this new lens but I also noticed the timing of their whales coincide with epithets and or surrounding adult language that could be deemed unfavorable.
Unfortunately, I was not aware of this dynamic relationship during the formative years in which I had the honor of raising an amazing girl. I believe I did the most amazing job possible as a mother given the tools I had at the time. This said, I also missed a lot. I am grateful that the child whom I raised was and perhaps still is as stubborn and tenacious as I was and am as I believe she (with a drop of help from me) was able to set herself free and see everything clear of these assumption based language words we use.
I am so lucky, she in turn began my foundational language breakdown in order to open my eyes and really see children and their environmental somatic responses the way I was able to start seeing them on my Greyhound over here. To play with words, as adults, we really grey'howl' so much out of our children both by the smoked screened language we use and the overpowering and directives of words, songs, movies and books we expose our children to.
Livin4d encourages everyone to really notice parallels between children's somatic  responses and surrounding words, tones, levels, facial expressions, soma-emotions of adults whether overt or covert.
Like schools of fish who communicate through their lateral lines, birds who use magnetoreception and bugs who communicate with allomones, kiromones etc, we too have a somatic biological communication system that is so profound if we take the time to experience. To experience it, we must wash away much of our words and be willing to let go of much of what we've been taught and learned. This process of cleansing and molting was the hardest thing I ever did in my entire life. It is still hard as I have yet to truly find connection. I have been able to rejoin a species matrix, but I have yet to establish the word of connect... I guess which is why I have designated myself conveyor  of livin4d. I want to reconnect.  Livin4d is the eternal source that surrounds us through all dimensions of life and facets of time. Anyone and everyone has access to it. I am not anyone special who has any more or less than anyone else. At this point in time, in my world that I have been exposed to anyway, I am the only one who has the words to be able to share in order to deconstruct the words.
The last thing I will say about assumptions is that there is assumption based talk and filtered hearing. Assumption based talk I slightly addressed above. Filtered based hearing has to do with interpreting lingual words with a (+/-) spin.  Words in and of themselves are all neutral. Let's take out epithets for sake of ease as they are often meant to be deliberately offensive.
All other words and how we hear them are filtered through our understandings and previous life experiences. This said, there are some words other than epithets that have a tendency to be associated with more plus or minus typical connotations. Overall speaking however, words are neutral. Our reactions, secondary inferences, interpretations and presentations are mostly based on plus or minus associations we attach these words. These associations are mostly due to the context in which we were taught the words and the associative contextual implications we have added on over the course of our lifetimes. Furthermore, combinations of words, similar text combinations of numbers and symbols strung along together in one sentence or one equation makes the possible interpretations much more complex. The chances of disconnect exponentially increase with the more combinations of words we use.
This is due to the fact that one word mixed with another word and another word does not just equal the sum of the words. As we mix and stir together spices in an aromatic soup, the blends and temperatures and surrounding vegetables in which we combine the ingredients take on whole new meanings.
To use livin4d terminology, a Provider might use a combination of words that is meant in one direction. Due to the sieve  in which the Receiver hears these words, the ingredients that sift through to the bowl of the ear may sound and resonate very differently from how they were intended. If enough negative spins are interpreted by the receiver, friction or boiling point may begin. Before one knows it, Receiver response to Provider by throwing more "something on the fire" (I cannot remember but there is some regurgitated expression like this). Anyway, keep in mind as it is "food for thought."
Stir your soups with Occam's razor rather than the insame old ingredients. Furthermore, on a tangent, the more creative we are with our ingredient language surrounding our children children's milieu, the more it increases hippocampal and amygdala shape and associated neurotransmitter network routes to increase creativity and perspective angles which ultimately lead to expansion of the mind. The alternative is watching recirculation shows and news day after day,  consequently joining the Bots  on Wall-e. No offense to Pixar. They are painting the true reflection of humanity people. I love that show myself. The problem arises in that many viewers don't accurately reflect those  bots as themselves.
One last thing, while in California I was at the house of a young child's with parents surround. The child said something and it became so clear how early the psychological conditioning or programming starts. I even asked the young child, "did you learn that from your mommy or your daddy?" It was quite sad. These were very very good parents in my opinion. Again,  this is simply reflective of generational conditioning that has flown under the radar for too long.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

33. 3 Bike Tires (Genetic Personality Types): Off road, Street, Hybrid (One is Not Wheeled/Wired Better Than Other)

LIVIN4d is going to use the analogy of Bike tires in comparison to Genetic Personality Types.  This analogy makes it clear that one bike tire or personality type is not better than another tire or type.
They are intrinsically all different yet they are the same in value. Dependent upon which environment the tire is utilized determines the efficiency and ease of the tire.
There are 3 basic types of tires:
1. Off road tires
2. Street tires
3. Hybrid tires
Each type is beneficial to dependent environment based on 3 variables:
1. Tire width
2. Tire PSI
3. Tire teeth
The off road tire is thickest in width with the lowest PSI (Pressure per Square Inch) and the most teeth. It performs at a 100% functioning level on rugged terrain and and a 70% functioning level on street terrain.
The street tire is thin in width with the lowest PSI (Pressure per Square Inch) amd the most least teeth. The street tire performs at a 100% functioning level on street terrain and a 70% functioning level on rugged terrain.
The hybrid tire is thick/thin in width with a medium PSI (Pressure per Square Inch) and medium teeth number.  The hybrid tire performs at an 85% functioning level on both rugged and street terrain.
Getting into more specifics, the PSI ranges of the three types of tires are as follows:
1. Off road tires: PSI 55-70
2. Street tires: PSI 85-100
3. Hybrid tires: PSI 70-85
The reason why the thick widthed  tire with PSI of 55-70  and the most teeth performs best in rugged rocky terrain at a 100% functioning level is due to the fact that:
1. The thick width gives it the most surface area S.A. and consequent stability to compensate for the rocky terrain with many pebbles.
2. The lowest PSI of 55-70 gives the tire the ability to compensate for bounce of rock factor without popping.
3. The highest tooth number gives the dirt bike tire the ability to grip the rugged terrain allowing for the tire to hit pebbles in between teeth without causing the tire to deflect to the side possibly falling over.
The reason why the thin widthed  tire with PSI of 85-100 and least teeth performs best on street terrain at a 100% functioning level is due to the fact that:
1. The thin widthed tire provides the tire with the least surface area S.A. and consequent increased speed ability on street roads due to the fact that the road is flat and smooth. (The thinner the tire the lesser the drag).
2. The highest PSI of 85-100 gives the street tire the ability to move fast on the flat surfaced road as there is no need for lower PSI to compensate for bounce of rock factor without popping as needed in the off road tire.
3. The lowest tooth number gives the street bike tire the ability to cruise without the hindrance of teeth slowing it down as teeth are not needed for gripping a flat surface road. It is like going down a ski/street slope without moguls. One picks up speed without the tire teeth or wheel moguls.
The reason why the medium widthed tire (hybrid) with a PSI of 70-85 and medium teeth performs at an 85% functioning level in both the rugged rocky terrain and street terrain is due to the fact that it has variables to adjust for both environmental parameters:
1. The hybrid width gives the tire a medium surface area S.A. and consequent moderate stability to compensate for the rocky terrain with many pebbles. The medium width also makes it easy though not easiest to ride on the street.
2. The hybrid PSI of 55-70 gives the tire the ability to moderately compensate for bounce of rock factor without popping. This hybrid PSI gives the tire the ability in terms of pressure to move fast on the street terrain while not fastest.
3. The medium tooth number gives the hybrid bike tire the ability to moderately grip the rugged terrain allowing for the tire to hit pebbles in between teeth without causing the tire to deflect to the side possibly falling over. The medium tooth number gives the hybrid bike tire the ability to moderately cruise down street terrain without the hindrance of many teeth slowing it down as teeth are not needed for gripping a flat surface road.
At initial thought, one would speculate that the hybrid tire is "best" because it is the tire in the middle having advantageois features in both the street scene and rugged scene. "Middle ground" so to speak as the expression goes. However this expression does not apply as one can deduce from the above analogies.
The tire functioning levels as mentioned above are:
1. Off road tires 100
2. Street tires 100
3. Hybrid tires 85
These functioning levels of tires are based on the environments as described above. Place an off road tire in a city street and it has the functioning level of 70. Place a street tire in off road rugged terrain and it has a functioning level of 70.
Therefore, while the street tire performs better than the hybrid tire on steet terrain by 15%, it also performs 15% worse on off road terrain. The off road tire performs better than the hybrid by 15% on rugged terrain but it also performs 15% lower than the hybrid tire on street terrain. Therefore, "across the board or 'street', it all balances out.
Now moving onto the next concept. Some people may be happy riding off roading their entire lives with other off roaders. Some people may be happy as street riders their entire lives sharing the road with other street riders. This is great. Hybrids may be happy with other hybrids, or with rugged or with streets or with either or who share both yet are not hybrids. Non judgment from livin4d.
This stated, some off road riders may want to have variety and also enjoy the streets. Some street riders may want to have variety and also enjoy the rugged terrain.
If a rugged tire is riding in the street with a street tire partner, functioning level can be assessed at an 85% and vice versa. If a hybrid tire is in either environment with tire of that environment the shared road has a functioning capability of 92.5%. (As will be discussed further this hybrid functioning level  deflates back down to an 85% equivalent to the two other relationship combinations as the hybrid personality is not as simple of a breakdown as the hybrid  analogy used).
The above described scenarios assume monogomous relations though livin4d has no opinion regarding other creative options.
Livin4d utilizes the above bike tire analogy to demonstrate that none of the tires have innate characteristics making them better than other. The only reason for one tire functioning better than 'other' has to do with the environmental parameters in which it exists.
In future blog posts livin4d will provide descriptions of how combinations of the two bikes tires of three different types (blue, orange and green) can share and alternate the roads with the same shared future vision.
Livin4d will provide relational techniques such as timing of speed and breaks, deflation, inflation, surface area compensatory techniques, teeth compensation etc., similar to how one would make adjustments in bikes with respect to terrain.

Monday, 21 September 2015

32. Decreasing Friction with the 60/30 Angle Concept (Part 1)

This blog will address the importance of relational angles and perspectives in terms of mathematical coneptual angles: 60/30 as seen in nature from both an aerodynamic flight perspective and from an oceanic swimming perspective.
As one can see in the attached diagrams, scientific research substantiates the advantage of 60/30 in terms of relational friction reduction. This angle allows for "hoist" while eliminating "drag."
Currently, people engage in the mirror stare of friction. People often go to individual or couples therapy to complain about problems or attempt to solve relational issues.
One therapist might suggest to "take turns," when making decisions, another therapist might bring you back to childhood crap which doesn't even include the parental crap that the parents unconsciously spill over onto you.
It's basically like blaming the guy who does something stupid for being  retarded. Would we do that? NO . . . because that is overtly "rude." However we covertly do it all the time. We even pay to do it!! For good therapists up to $200/hour.
The generational overlay: G1, G2, G3, G4, G5 (According to the Noah movie . . .5 to be PRecise), is the amount of human sludge we have acquired in the blame game. 
Having a Masters in Marriage Family Therapy and having practiced different forms of it for 10 years, I am qualified to say that the entire PSYCH-illogical system is built on a faulty foundations; as is life for that matter as our lives are "base"d  on interpersonal and self relations. We are not just somabodies but we utilize words. Truth be told, we actually need to break our language down to practically nothing to start the rebuilt of accuracy and truth, but I won't go there now.
To add to my qualifications on making such a bold statement, I have almost completed my PhD in Somatic and Spiritual Psychology which actually means nothing as almost all of what I have been taught my entire LIEf  is a fallacy, but anyway . . . It helped me to go through metamorphosis and sprout wings.
As I was saying, the DSM is entirely flawed. Any and every "mode" of dealing with personal issues and interpersonal relationships "means" no sense.
LIVIN4d provides the "bulbs" of our shoes rather than the roots. I can't speak for you all, but I rather grow toward the something (light or night). I want to be able to exist in a world that is creatively laticed  in logic.
LIVIN4d  is logic as it is based in math. I will give one caveat to this "math thing." If the math system truly reflected balance and sense of equality, there would be a parallel set of numbers reflecting a scale such as: 1+1=1. Conceptually, this is true equality and value that "I" in and of myself am equal to another. Conceptually speaking, the 1+1=1 concept indicates that we do not "need" another to expand. We in and of ourselves are equal to the sum of all our parts. This stated, it is nice to have interpersonal relations.
How would you re-write a math equation to speak for this concept? I might re-write it like 1+1 double infinity 1. Conceptually this would exemplify the mutual exchange of energy. The flows and receptions in both directions.
As for the angles of lIVIN4d's mathematical foundation tennets, applied to relational disagreements, let's examine the 90 degree angle.
Among interpersonal relations on any level of society, if there is a disagreement, it can best be described using the 90 degree angle concept. At first thought, one might imagine a 180 degree angle as two people stand facing each other in arguement. This logically makes no sense however as it symbolocally represents the mirrored stair and is metaphorically flatlined.
We are not mirrors of self, we are 3 different personality types. Let's take the traditional relationship consisting of 2 people. When in argument, imagine a 90 degree angle as one person looks with vantage point or view, straight ahead to the North. Imagine the other person in relation looking due East with his/her unique vantage point. This mathematical concepts starts to eliminate the stair 180 configuration.
The 90 degree angle allows for an actual climb! Other than the climb in a positive direction, let's take the 90 degree angle one step further. Add an extended folcrum to change the view (Folcrum is a separate concept thay will be addressed later).
If you were to negotiate 50/50 or take turns as traditional therapists might suggest, it mathematically bisects the 90 at a 45. This 45 degree angle results in 50/50 which reverts us back to the stare as no leverage is made in any direction. Fast forward to (t2) time 2 and we have the same result: the stare.
LIVIN4d adds the "eye" contributing to the STAIR or climb of connection in a relationship. From an angled perspective, on a shared platform (Tennet 2), if one takes a 60 degree angle and the other takes a 30 degree angle, the rise and run factor is adjusted such that actual movement occurs.
Let's face it, we are not clones of ourselves, nor is it helpful to impose our opinions onto others, nor is it helpful to remain in the 50/50 debate or the 45 degree angle as this concept will continuously keep us facing North and East.
To repeat, the 60/30 interpersonal angle allows for a step in the vertical direction of relational dynamics. This stated, depending on the interaction, at times one person will take the rise and the other the run and vice versa. It is for this reason that upon entering dialogue, Tennet 2 and Tennet 3 should be grounded and x,y determined in order to evaluate personal scale of importance and hence adherence to the the x or the y in any given engagement.
As one can see in the attached diagrams, scientific research substantiates this  relational concept from both an aerodynamic and nautical perspective in that bird flight patterns and fish swim at these angles for advantageous reasons in terms of friction control.