Real Live Time: Counter-balancing the Negative With the Positive:
-2- -5 = 3
Or -2 + 5 = 3
-2- -5 = 3
Or -2 + 5 = 3
It is easy for negative events to transpire in our lives and for these events to collectively add up contributing to our emotional demise (anger and sadness) and deleterious associated cognitive patterns toward self and toward other. In addition to the above, our soma-bodies are adversely affected by consecutive negative events.
People recommend ameliorative techniques to assuage negative effects such as: meditation, working out, positive self talk, discovering the inner child, rescuing him/her and many more.
With all do respect . . . yadaya dayada. These techniques take a lot of effort and they are simply not helpful in terms of maintaining a high range of acceptance, happiness and/or staying connected with heart-self and others heart-selves.
The above examples of coping mechanisms have obviously been around for a while so they do serve some benefit. I believe the primary function of the above techniques serves to sweep up the crumbled mess after the fall or falls. Throwing out the mess is more advantageous than not throwing out the mess, so lIVIN4d is not suggesting to throw out these techniques along with the mess.
lIVIN4d is different from these modalities in that lIVIN4d is a way of truly living in the moment. Once concepts are integrated into self being, relationships, educational settings and businesses, the living structure is then set in place and time does not need to be put aside for meditating or for rescuing the inner child or doing hours of expensive talk "therapy."
lIVIN4d grows like a lotus out of life's muck. It needs no feeding as lIVIN4d is fed from life's compost pile. The fuel of LIVIN4d does not require money as the fuel occurs naturally in our lives' existence. The fuel is the energy of friction and the internal and external environments of muck. The anecdote is friction from cortisol. The antedote is anecdotes from dopamine.
lIVIN4d is unique in many ways. The "live" component is very important in that there is a short lag time between somatic cortisol output and dopamine antedote. The longer that cortisol circulates in the body and the more the we have to ruminate in negativity, the more neuro-personality, neuro-somatic grooves and interpersonal neurolatterns get engrained in our cranial gyri and sulci and our somatic beings.
If we are using 'therapy' to deal with friction, not only will we have to keep the friction floating in our brains (for about a week) to remember what to verbally re-spew, we will have to verbally re-spew it. Where do you think this keeps our brains focused? On the problem. . . whether it be with self and or self/other. This intrinsic flaw with therapy does not even include the flaw of therapist bias which will be demonstrated later using mathematic triangles to represent focal point limitations.
lIVIN4d does not neurologically focus on the problem, nor does it provide linear solutions. IIVIN4d uses the Global Communications Bank to move into laughter and connection and balance. These components are the heart beat of happiness and love.
The fact that lIVIN4d is live allows for emotional and cognitive negative swings to be balanced in real live time by a counterbalancing swing. This is a pivotal concept in terms of avoiding the build up of "mess."
Imagine something frustrating happening in your day. Rather, don't imagine as it will inevitably happen within the next few days, so remember the concept of counterbalance.
One can let "this and that and that" (mess) of frustration accumulate, if one is habituated to doing so. By the time the accumulation has accumulated to a level (x) of frustration on a 0-10 scale s/he can practice any of the above coping techniques.
If one chooses to lIVIN4d, s/he will be able to transform a -2 frictional energy to a 3 dopamine energy, as lIVIN4d provides the structure to use frictional fuel (muck) to propel growth of dopamine to a 3. (For those who are math people, here is provided the mathematical logical application to lIVIN4d) -2- -5 = 3
Or -2 + 5 = 3
Or -2 + 5 = 3
While LIVIN4d provides a Global Communications Bank full of "nuts and bolts" including the counterbalance technique, lIVIN4d doesn't revolve around the concept that accumulation is better. Having access to tools and techniques is valuable as is integrating them. The most important factor is the live application of these nuts and bolts.
lIVIN4d is not meant for us to hoard nuts (and bolts) through the winter in order to get us through. First of all, we do not live in conditions where hibernation is necessary. We don't need to accumulate and exert energy gathering "mess." We can eat fresh nuts (and bolts) rather than shelved moldy ones. I find it interesting that even though we cognitively know this idea, for various reasons, we do not put this idea conceptually into action. We remain in our frictional discontent (exerting energy to find nuts to hoard) then paying weekly money to get taught how to further embed them.
lIVIN4d has grander vision for living than simply getting us through. IIVIN4d has the vision of creating fun, happiness, laughter and connection in our lives so that we don't have to do so much continual effort hording.
Nor is lIVIN4d conceptually a "one day at a time" philosophy. lIVIN4d does not suggest we capriciously "take each day as it comes." lIVIN4d provides an organic structure that breathes and shares the contours of the ever changing topography of our lives on an individual and a collective level.
Counterbalancing is one of lIVIN4d's Global Communications Bank tools. As stated above it allows for the swing of a negative event into a positive.
Before providing specific examples of the application of lIVIN4d's counterbalancing tool, another analogy will be provided to accentuate the importance of the "live" factor.
Our veins in our bodies have valves in order to help the deoxgenated blood flow return to the heart as the veins work against gravity travelling from our feet back up to our thoracic region. Each valve is like the equivalent to a counterbalance technique in that it addresses the issue in flow at the time of issue.
If deoxygenated blood were to return to the heart in one big gush, first of all, it would barely make the full return circuit due to the pull of gravity (weight of mess), coupled with the fact that we would be so physically exhausted due to the extrenuous effort, we would barely be functional.
The body is aware of the strenuous pull of gravity on the circulatory system which is why we are built with naturally occurring vein valves to help the blood in the circulatory system reoxygenate without excess energy expenditure.
lIVIN4d applies this natural valve circulation concept to our neuro-personalities and our neuro-selves with respect to self and interpersonal dynamics.
Fathom that! It's not that deep. Therefore there are not that many rungs to climb out as we address each -2 as they come.
lIVIN4d not only avoids excess accumulated pooling via counterbalancing and other tools available at the GCB, lIVIN4d also enhances the share of connected contours in all forms of relating rather than promoting self soothing solo techniques.
There is nothing wrong with spending alone time and self soothing. Yes, happiness is "an inside job." Yes, "it starts with us." These stated, I dont know about you? . . . but as I am already contained by myself in my soma-form. I already exist alone in my form.
In my ideal life. . . as much as possible, I would like to share connection and contours with others. Sharing connected contours for me does not involve meditation and or griping in therapy. Sharing contours involves lIVIN4d with as much Surface Area possibility for connection as possible. The GCB provides these tools for building a structural support system of connection.
Returning to the tool of counterbalancing which helps keep the fabric stitch close and prevents hording. Some specific examples of counterbalancing include. . .
Hold on! A quick general description of the math logic application to lIVIN4d. If a frictional event occurs at a level -2, (on a -10 to 10 range), imagining an event similar to but worse than a level -2, let's say at a -5, will help to reposition the brain on the spectrum and provide an opportunity for dopamine insertion. A -2 minus a -5 is equivalent to a 3.
Now, a couple specific examples of counterbalancing. Something that recently happened to me:
I put my jacket down in someone's residual shower floor water (with hair). Nice right? Yeah. I'd rate it a -2 on a -10 to 10 range of (____) gross (fill in the (____) as it applies to you). Let's not hang out in the visual. It will make me gag. So curtail the cognitive imagery. I won't go writing it down to talk about in therapy next week.
Rather than get pissed off at the scenario, or go to blame of self or other, I can redirect my brain to imagining my jacket falling into the street sludge water with visible dog fecal matter. Double if not triple nice! (Sarcastic) Get the concept? Woo hoo!! The mental imagery of the dog fecal water is "weigh" worse than what actually transpired. (Notice I'm not even again mentioning what actually transpired. I am conditioning my neur-personality and neuro-soma bodies away from the cognitive and visceral memory of what actually transpired). This concept is referred to as neural pruning as referred to in a previous blog post.
I would place my imagined scenario of fallen jacket on the scale of -10 to10 at a level -4
The -4 makes my -2 experience seem quite amazing in comparison. I can even make myself laugh as the worse scenario visual is really "gag me" LOL. A -4 plus -2 = +2.
The -4 makes my -2 experience seem quite amazing in comparison. I can even make myself laugh as the worse scenario visual is really "gag me" LOL. A -4 plus -2 = +2.
This jacket scenario is an example of counterbalancing as it propels the negative experience into the positive range. It can contribute to laughter if you let it as it can be perceived as funny, thus releasing dopamine. The imagination process engages the amygdala and hippocampus causing their "workouts" which over time results in their shape changes and further increase of imagination.
Also, if this or a similar scenario were to have traspired with someone, as in interpersonal friction, creating a shared imaginative playing field would bring the two of you closer together as it would provide an opportunity to join schematic imagery.
Using another scenario, I recently obtained a couple pairs of shoes. After obtaining them, I realized that they didn't properly fit. They hurt my feet. I easily could have gotten annoyed. For one, I was out money. For two, I was in pain. For three, I had to search for yet another pair.
The counterbalancing techniques I used to prevent annoyance were artistic in nature. I adorned the feet of a statue with one pair of shoes. With the other pair of shoes, I made some roller skates by placing the them on top of fire hydrants. As I walked away from the hydrants, I placed the boots on my hands as if I were a 4 legged animal and pretended to act like one as I trotted down the street. I made myself laugh and this dopamine served to create the anecdotal antidote to my stressful cortisol situation.
On a somatic level, cortisol is known to be one of the most detrimental ingredients to health demise in all facets of life: heart attach, arteriosclerosis, stroke, smoking, obesity, temper, abuse, divorce, parenting, affairs . . . The list continues. Therefore, even more reason to enhance antedotal dopamine.
Another example of counterbalancing . . . This may be radical for some ok? As the Alcoholic's Anonymous expression goes, "Take what you want leave the rest," If someone says or does something that does not fit in your world. . . Ignore it. There's no point in wasting energy or debating it. Better to use the potential frictional energy to feed the positive lotus flower than debate and regurgitate.
If someone really pisses you off (inset xxx reason), imagine what you would viscerally do to his or her soma body. Imagination is quite different from reality. I will let your amygdala have fun here. The imagination helps to distract the mind from verbally spewing in response to "someone's" xxx. I will share only one thing I have imagined. Someone said xxx to me. I imagined cutting off her nipples, sticking staws in them with gasoline and lighting them on fire. OK whatever. Call me a crazy woman. I used my imagination and I didn't go yelling at her, "you stupid fucking cunt bitch." I dunno? Which is better? For you to decide. I didn't end up in a jail or institution.
On a sidenote, if you teach your Kids to come up with their own imagined scenarios, they too may avoid fights and they may even become the next writers for PIXAR. You can always pick them up after a punching bully fight at 15. It's really up to you.
Counterbalancing. Can you think of any specific examples you could uses as anecdotal antedotes to your cortisol experiences from the last week?
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