Monday, 5 October 2015

47. Temper Flare: The biological basis and how to turn down the flame.

Our neuro-personality and our neuro-somatic responses are parallel to our biological responses of getting burned.
When getting physically burned, our body's quick response is beneficial. When reacting to an unexpected or painful interpersonal interaction, our quick neuro-personality and neuro-somatic responses are not beneficial.
Sometimes we have unexpected internal neuro-route (psychological and somatic) impeti that our mind and bodies respond to, but due to the sole fact that these are internal, both forms of responses are more neurologically aquiescent of the unexpected stimuli than if the impeti were external.
It is not the intention of IIVIN4d to use frivolous and complicated words or to be pompously verbose. The intention with using terminology such as "external/internal neuro-somatic stimuli," is in attempt to encourage the reader to slow down and ruminate on each word. Each word paints a very specific picture for the mind and consequent schematic imagery representation.
LIVIN4d utilizes very precise language to create a high probability that our minds are all picturing the same imagery attached to the words. The more concise the words, the more the likelihood that we will be sharing the same mental plane. If IIVIN4d  were to use "lose jargon" such as "emotional response," we would all be picturing different pictures, attempting to connect via two or more planes. This language utilization is an example of Tennet 2: Setting up for sharing the same Playing Field.
On a side-note, the likelihood of the cognitive schematic pictures associated with the words "emotional response having a lot of depth is unlikely.
If one were to ask a group of 10 people to describe the mental schematics attached to the words "emotional reaction," one would quickly hear the variances by the group's response. These variances are indicative of how much individual interpretations to the same words vary and can result in unnecessary friction.
If one were to ask a group of 10 people to draw the mental imagery that is associated to the same words: "emotional reaction," each individual would sketch unique drawings, again representing the same potential variances among individuals. 
Also in reference to Tennet 2: Playing Field, when creating interpersonal connection between and/or among cGPTs, using this shared drawing technique is a beneficial tool to narrow down the potential of large scale variances in mental imagery associated with the same shared words. This drawing technique is one of many tools available at lIVIN4d's Global Communications Bank.
Returning to the primary focus of this blog; when the body receives external input, an efferent nervous system response occurs. The environmental message enters the body and travels to the brain. 'E'fferent responses include anything 'E'ntering the body from the outside in.
After the efferent message is received in the brain an 'A'fferent nervous system response occurs. 'A'fferent responses include anything moving 'A'way from the brain to body to the outside world.  So  remember "E" for 'E'fferent Enters the body/brain and "A" for 'A'fferent moves Away to the outside world.
Usually, when a stimulus enters the body (soma) or ears (cerebral) via efferent pathways, the soma-neurological or soma-personality signal travels to the brain. The signal then makes a few neurological connections, resulting in the relay of resulting afferent  pathways back to the body or mouth to create a movement or verb response.
What happens when one is burned is quite a different response from the traditional efferent / afferent relay system.  A burn or shock occurs so quickly and is so intense that if the message were to travel to the brain and back, a body would be in severe trouble. There is not enough time for this relay process to occur from a protective standpoint. Instead, the burn or shock signal travels to the spinal cord and gives a quick direct reflex back resulting in a soma pull away. The brain never makes those few neural connections. This biological  transcendent process is an amazing adaptive soma survival technique of our species.
However, when this burn / shock response occurs from an interpersonal perspective, it is not advantageous as the quick reflex usually sounds like "verbal spew" and or physical throwing or hitting. These responses occur at all stages of life. Dependent upon age range, the responses manifest differently. You can imagine this response when applied to ages:
and up and up. Throughout all content of lIVIN4d, chunk ages into these sections for rough and quick reference points for yourself. Adjust greater or lesser spans if personally more suitable. Nothing about lIVIN4d is set in stone, hence the title. (Remember that the brain supposedly stops developing at 24-25 though LIVIN4d  doesn't believe this research. Much research can be seen in the gyri sulci  changes that occur in British taxi cab drivers with the rigorous 3 year road map training they do. lIVIN4d knows that anyone who chooses to change their ways of thinking and being in the world had the power to do so. Furthermore, look at all the stroke and heart attack (with cerebral oxygen deprivation) risers who pick themselves up and retrain their brains.  Therefore, there is substantial evidence in multiple facets of life to surmise that the brain is very malleable with lIVIN4d brain).
When it comes to a relationionship, family interaction, bysiness transaction etc. these shock type reflex psychological responses are not at all advantageous in terms of preserving and feeding a relationship. The personality spinal cord reflexes of mouth and soma include but are not limited to: swears, hitting, physical harm, self sabotage, name calling, past references, tonal responses, eye rolls and facial gestures. Can you imagine some of your responses in the last year or over the course of your lifetime that you are not proud of? Don't blame yourself unless you choose to proceed in that direction. Then do or don't blame yourself that is up to you :)  Your previous responses up to this point can be looked at as if they are shock, burn responses of interpersonal exchanges.
Different people will have different levels of work to do with respect to the amount that of brain training they will need to alter these shock /burn responses. Dependent upon how much grooving (like the river analogy) a brain has had determines how much depth one needs to do the work on for the upward climb. Some have grooved themselves in the depth of the Grand Canyon while others the depth of a stream.  This statement  is not applicable across the board. For some variables, some individuals might be an inch deep and for other variables a mile. And for other people, the reverse. So even if you catch yourself in the comparison blame game, become aware of it, and then remind yourself it is not a universal thought. You can even balance your comparison (whether external or internal) with a complementary reverse comparison to balance out the brain. This concept is drawn parallel to the conceptual underpinnings of Francine Shapiro's EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) developed in the early 1990s.
In any case from this point forward you will have some neuro-soma  and neuro-personality responses that are not of burn / shock value. Specific examples will be provided in a future blog post.
Briefly mentioning, some techniques include:
1.looking at a tree while in an argument,
2. holding some pebbles in hand (NOT TO THROW) to utilize like Asian meditation balls. (Know yourself, if you are a mile deep neural groove as a thrower, do not start with this technique).
3. Smelling some essential oils (adjust smell to your current needs based upon your own judgment of smell ... don't ask the person at the store what is best)
4. Smelling a flower
These are techniques so be utilized while engaged in an interpersonal or self frictional space. There are other somatic techniques to be used for self grounding external to interpersonal frictional spaces.
The main point lIVIN4d wants to bring focus to, (x,y variable) is that it is important to create space in between the burn /shock response, so that the brain has more of a chance to have an efferent, afferent neurological pathway development opportunity so that one can verbally and behaviorally respond in a more optimal fashion.
Be patient with yourself as retraining the brain does not happen overnight though I will say that it will happen much more expediently than one would initially think. Reading this blog post alone is enough to plant the seed and begin putting the seed into planting.  You will notice. "A mind once stretched by the imagination never regains it's original dimensions." Reading this post in itself alone is an imagination stretching exercise.

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