Wednesday, 14 October 2015

50. Mimicry I and Mimicry II (A few artistic sidesteps. . . Ignore to stay with logical content).

MimiCRY I and MimiCRY  II
If the more abundant human population could be so brave to learn from the emperor who has known his clothes were being sewn with invisible thread, the world could truly be a more colorful place.
The emperor has retreated for a lifetime while allowing his body to be sewn and seen with such beautiful invisible threads. He has patiently taken each threaded eye stitch of clothes.
Now, the emperor decides it is time to overtly showcase the "invisible" threaded adornment. He doesn't force anyone else to wear the same attire. He does however refuse to be sewn 'close' anymore.
The emperor wouldn't actually care if he continued to exist sewn closed except for that he loved a girl so much he couldn't bare to watch her be sewn closed too.
Along with the emperor's refusal to continue reflection, the emperor is committed, chained and tackled as the reflection is too much for the so-ers to bare. The sewers continue to invisibly stitch the girl whom he loved, tramping right over the emperor.
So . . . The question has evolved beyond: "How many more stitches will youu inflict?" . . . as it is not funny and the holes have been visibly raw for quite some time. 
You are now, not only consciously throwing and rubbing salt into wounds as you piously preach your words, but you are now sewing invisible clothing II.
Unlike my lifetime's silent retreat however, I overtly punctuated time for the second round of invisible clothing "adore"nment.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

49. The Black Steam Engine "I pull the likes of you? Certainly not." (A few artistic sidesteps. . . Ignore to stay with logical content).

I was and perhaps still am passionate about further developing and structuring lIVIN4d, but this will be one of lIVIN4ds last blog posts, as people in this "world's lifespan, (1977-2015)" in which I was raised don't seem to care about brilliant ideas with respect to this "world's lifespan."
I am not taking credit for this brilliance as I am the transmitter; a true reflection of us. I am not forced to be our conduit.  lIVIN4d's message relay has been a personal choice.
My daughter taught me, she "sees everything." I too "see everything." Perhaps ya'll do too. Though if the ladder is your true story, ya'll should feel shame at what you put us through.
I am not meaning to be a martyr in any shape or form. This stated, I have better things in which to attempt self entertainment rather than writing this blog for me myself and I. . . as I am not "Irene."
I make this blog cessation choice due to the fact that lIVIN4d is about interpersonal relations and at current time, I have zero including not having any relationship with a daughter Rose Alexandra Carter.
This severing of human relations is due to my belief that the human race is beyond toxic. Anyone who visits our lives' story will understand:

                     Lily Janet Kotila
               Rose Alexandra Carter
You would have to retrace our steps to know our shared path. I would be so grateful if anyone chooses to expose everything  "without shadows" of doubt as nothing has been hidden from view.
If at current time, the human race  admits faulty wiring due to structural design rather than anyone's personal fault, I will be more than happy to continue expanding the infrastructure of lIVIN4d. If the human race chooses to ignore the message of lIVIN4d, it would personally be sad for me, but expected as it would be well fitting within current human confines and parameters.
The author of a children's book teaches us well, the Black Steam Engine states with a laugh to the little blue engine, "I pull the likes of you? Certainly not!" Thank you for a great lesson. I wish I learned this lesson at 8 rather than 30 years later. Anyway, some are slow learners.
"Puff puff puff."
"Chug chug chug."
Quotes that so well epitomize the li(_)es of most humans.
I am grateful that the one person in this world whom I do care about, "Rose" will know when she is capable of understanding this writing that I did everything in my human mold (form?) to reflect her teachings. "I love her more than she can imagine."
Regardless of whether or not anyone chooses to illuminate our story . . .  on a personal level, not a lIVIN4d level . . . Fu.

Monday, 5 October 2015

48. Homeostasis: Balancing Negative Relational aspects with Positive Relational aspects

Real Live Time: Counter-balancing the Negative With the Positive:
  -2- -5 = 3
Or -2 + 5 = 3
It is easy for negative events to transpire in our lives and for these events to collectively add up contributing to our emotional demise (anger and sadness) and deleterious associated cognitive patterns toward self and toward other. In addition to the above, our soma-bodies are adversely affected by consecutive negative events.
People recommend ameliorative techniques to assuage negative  effects such as: meditation, working out, positive self talk, discovering the inner child, rescuing him/her and many more.
With all do respect . . . yadaya dayada. These techniques take a lot of effort and they are simply not  helpful in terms of maintaining a high range of acceptance, happiness and/or staying connected with heart-self and others heart-selves. 
The above examples of coping mechanisms have obviously been around for a while so they do serve some benefit. I believe the primary function of the above techniques  serves to sweep up the crumbled mess after the fall or falls. Throwing out the mess is more advantageous than not throwing out the mess, so lIVIN4d is not suggesting to throw out these techniques along with the mess.
lIVIN4d is different from these modalities in that lIVIN4d is a way of truly living in the moment. Once concepts are integrated into self being, relationships, educational settings and businesses, the living structure is then set in place and time does not need to be put aside for meditating or for rescuing the inner child or doing hours of expensive talk "therapy."
lIVIN4d grows like a lotus out of life's muck. It needs no feeding as lIVIN4d is fed from life's compost pile. The fuel of LIVIN4d does not require money as the fuel occurs naturally in our lives' existence. The fuel is the energy of friction and the internal and external environments of muck. The anecdote is friction from cortisol. The antedote is anecdotes from dopamine.
lIVIN4d is unique in many ways. The "live" component is very important in that there is a short lag time between somatic cortisol output and dopamine antedote. The longer that cortisol circulates in the body and the more the we have to ruminate in negativity, the more neuro-personality, neuro-somatic grooves and interpersonal neurolatterns get engrained in our cranial gyri and sulci and our somatic beings.
If we are using 'therapy' to deal with friction, not only will we have to keep the friction floating in our brains (for about a week) to remember what to verbally re-spew, we will have to verbally re-spew it. Where do you think this keeps our brains focused? On the problem. . . whether it be with self and or self/other. This intrinsic flaw with therapy does not even include the flaw of therapist bias which will be demonstrated later using mathematic triangles to represent focal point limitations.
lIVIN4d does not neurologically focus on the problem, nor does it provide linear solutions. IIVIN4d uses the Global Communications Bank to move into laughter and connection and balance. These components are the heart beat of happiness and love.
The fact that lIVIN4d is live allows for emotional and cognitive negative swings to be balanced in real live time by a counterbalancing swing. This is a pivotal concept in terms of avoiding the build up of "mess."
Imagine something frustrating happening in your day. Rather, don't imagine as it will inevitably happen within the next few days, so remember the concept of counterbalance.
One can let "this and that and that" (mess) of frustration accumulate, if one is habituated to doing so. By the time the accumulation has accumulated to a level (x) of frustration on a 0-10 scale s/he can practice any of the above coping techniques.
If one chooses to lIVIN4d, s/he will be able to transform a -2 frictional energy to a 3 dopamine energy, as lIVIN4d provides the structure to use frictional fuel (muck) to propel growth of dopamine to a 3. (For those who are math people, here is provided the mathematical logical application to lIVIN4d) -2- -5 = 3
Or -2 + 5 = 3
While LIVIN4d provides a Global Communications Bank full of "nuts and bolts" including the counterbalance technique, lIVIN4d doesn't revolve around the concept that accumulation is better. Having access to tools and techniques is valuable as is integrating them. The most important factor is the live application of these nuts and bolts.
lIVIN4d is not meant for us to hoard nuts (and bolts) through the winter in order to get us through. First of all, we do not live in conditions where hibernation is necessary. We don't need to accumulate and exert energy gathering "mess." We can eat fresh nuts (and bolts) rather than shelved moldy ones. I find it interesting that even though we  cognitively know this idea, for various reasons, we do not put this idea conceptually into action. We remain in our frictional discontent (exerting energy to find nuts to hoard) then paying weekly money to get taught how to further embed them.
lIVIN4d has grander vision for living  than simply getting us through. IIVIN4d has the vision of creating fun, happiness, laughter and connection in our lives so that we don't have to do so much continual  effort hording.
Nor is lIVIN4d conceptually a "one day at a time" philosophy. lIVIN4d does not suggest we capriciously "take each day as it comes." lIVIN4d  provides an organic structure that breathes and shares the contours of the ever changing topography of our lives on an individual and a collective level.
Counterbalancing is one of lIVIN4d's Global Communications Bank tools.  As stated above it allows for the swing of a negative event into a positive.
Before providing specific examples of the application of lIVIN4d's counterbalancing tool, another analogy will be provided to accentuate the importance of the "live" factor.
Our veins in our bodies have valves in order to help the deoxgenated blood flow return to the heart as the veins work against gravity travelling from our feet back up to our thoracic region. Each valve is like the equivalent to a counterbalance technique in that it addresses the issue in flow at the time of issue.
If deoxygenated blood were to return to the heart in one big gush, first of all, it would barely make the full return circuit due to the pull of gravity (weight of mess), coupled with the fact that we would be so physically exhausted due to the extrenuous effort, we would barely be functional.
The body is aware of the strenuous pull of gravity on the circulatory system which is why we are built with naturally occurring vein valves to help the blood in the circulatory system reoxygenate without excess energy expenditure.
lIVIN4d applies this natural valve circulation concept to our neuro-personalities and our neuro-selves with respect to self and interpersonal dynamics.
Fathom that! It's not that deep. Therefore there are not that many rungs to climb out as we address each -2 as they come.
lIVIN4d not only avoids excess accumulated pooling via counterbalancing and other tools available at the GCB, lIVIN4d also  enhances the share of connected contours in all forms of relating rather than promoting self soothing solo techniques.
There is nothing wrong with spending alone time and self soothing. Yes, happiness is "an inside job." Yes, "it starts with us." These stated, I dont know about you? . . . but as I am already contained by myself in my soma-form. I already exist alone in my form.
In my ideal life. . .  as much as possible, I would like to share connection and contours with others. Sharing connected contours for me does not involve meditation and or griping in therapy. Sharing contours involves lIVIN4d with as much Surface Area possibility for connection as possible. The GCB provides these tools for building a structural support system of connection.
Returning to the tool of counterbalancing which helps keep the fabric stitch close and prevents hording. Some specific examples of counterbalancing include. . .
Hold on! A quick general  description of the math logic application to lIVIN4d. If a frictional event occurs at a level -2, (on a -10 to 10 range), imagining an event similar to but worse than a level -2, let's say at a -5, will help to reposition the brain on the spectrum and provide an opportunity for dopamine insertion. A -2 minus a -5 is equivalent to a 3.
Now, a couple specific examples of counterbalancing. Something that recently happened to me:
I put my jacket down in someone's residual shower floor water (with hair). Nice right? Yeah. I'd rate it a -2 on a -10 to 10 range of (____) gross (fill in the (____) as it applies to you). Let's not hang out in the visual. It will make me gag. So curtail the cognitive imagery. I won't go writing it down to talk about in therapy next week.
Rather than get pissed off at the scenario, or go to blame of self or other, I can redirect my brain to imagining my jacket falling into the  street sludge water with visible dog fecal matter. Double if not triple nice! (Sarcastic) Get the concept? Woo hoo!! The mental imagery of the dog fecal water is "weigh" worse than what actually transpired. (Notice I'm not even again mentioning what actually transpired. I am conditioning my neur-personality and neuro-soma bodies away from the cognitive and visceral memory of what actually transpired). This concept is referred to as neural pruning as referred to in a previous blog post.
I would place my imagined scenario of fallen jacket on the scale of -10 to10 at a level -4
The -4 makes my -2 experience seem quite amazing in comparison. I can even make myself laugh as the worse scenario visual is really "gag me" LOL. A -4 plus -2 = +2.
This jacket scenario is an example of counterbalancing as it propels the negative experience into the positive range. It can contribute to laughter if you let it as it can be perceived as funny, thus releasing dopamine.  The imagination process engages the amygdala and hippocampus causing their "workouts" which over time results in their shape changes and further increase of imagination.
Also, if this or a similar scenario were to have traspired with someone, as in interpersonal friction, creating a shared imaginative playing field would bring the two of you closer together as it would provide an opportunity to join schematic imagery.
Using another scenario, I recently obtained a couple pairs of shoes. After obtaining them, I realized that they didn't properly fit. They hurt my feet. I easily could have gotten annoyed. For one, I was out money. For two, I was in pain. For three, I had to search for yet another pair.
The counterbalancing techniques I used to prevent annoyance were artistic in nature. I adorned the feet of a statue with one pair of shoes. With the other pair of shoes, I made some roller skates by placing the them on top of fire hydrants. As I walked away from the hydrants, I placed the boots on my hands as if I were a 4 legged animal and pretended to act like one as I trotted down the street. I made myself laugh and this dopamine served to create the anecdotal antidote to my stressful cortisol situation. 
On a somatic level, cortisol is known to be one of the most detrimental ingredients to health demise in all facets of life: heart attach, arteriosclerosis, stroke, smoking, obesity, temper, abuse, divorce, parenting, affairs . . . The list continues. Therefore, even more reason to enhance antedotal  dopamine.
Another example of counterbalancing . . . This may be radical for some ok? As the Alcoholic's Anonymous expression goes, "Take what you want leave the rest," If someone says or does something that does not fit in your world. . . Ignore it. There's no point in wasting energy or debating it. Better to use the potential frictional energy to feed the positive lotus flower than debate and regurgitate.
If someone really pisses you off (inset xxx reason), imagine what you would viscerally do to his or her soma body. Imagination is quite different from reality. I will let your amygdala have fun here. The imagination helps to distract the mind from verbally spewing in response to "someone's" xxx. I will share only one thing I have imagined. Someone said xxx to me. I imagined cutting off her nipples, sticking staws in them with gasoline and lighting them on fire. OK whatever. Call me a crazy woman.  I used my imagination and I didn't go yelling at her, "you stupid fucking cunt bitch." I dunno? Which is better? For you to decide. I didn't end up in a jail or institution.
On a sidenote, if you teach your Kids to come up with their own imagined scenarios, they too may avoid fights and they may even become the next writers for PIXAR. You can always pick them up after a punching bully fight at 15. It's really up to you.
Counterbalancing. Can you think of any specific examples you could uses as anecdotal antedotes to your cortisol experiences from the last week?

47. Temper Flare: The biological basis and how to turn down the flame.

Our neuro-personality and our neuro-somatic responses are parallel to our biological responses of getting burned.
When getting physically burned, our body's quick response is beneficial. When reacting to an unexpected or painful interpersonal interaction, our quick neuro-personality and neuro-somatic responses are not beneficial.
Sometimes we have unexpected internal neuro-route (psychological and somatic) impeti that our mind and bodies respond to, but due to the sole fact that these are internal, both forms of responses are more neurologically aquiescent of the unexpected stimuli than if the impeti were external.
It is not the intention of IIVIN4d to use frivolous and complicated words or to be pompously verbose. The intention with using terminology such as "external/internal neuro-somatic stimuli," is in attempt to encourage the reader to slow down and ruminate on each word. Each word paints a very specific picture for the mind and consequent schematic imagery representation.
LIVIN4d utilizes very precise language to create a high probability that our minds are all picturing the same imagery attached to the words. The more concise the words, the more the likelihood that we will be sharing the same mental plane. If IIVIN4d  were to use "lose jargon" such as "emotional response," we would all be picturing different pictures, attempting to connect via two or more planes. This language utilization is an example of Tennet 2: Setting up for sharing the same Playing Field.
On a side-note, the likelihood of the cognitive schematic pictures associated with the words "emotional response having a lot of depth is unlikely.
If one were to ask a group of 10 people to describe the mental schematics attached to the words "emotional reaction," one would quickly hear the variances by the group's response. These variances are indicative of how much individual interpretations to the same words vary and can result in unnecessary friction.
If one were to ask a group of 10 people to draw the mental imagery that is associated to the same words: "emotional reaction," each individual would sketch unique drawings, again representing the same potential variances among individuals. 
Also in reference to Tennet 2: Playing Field, when creating interpersonal connection between and/or among cGPTs, using this shared drawing technique is a beneficial tool to narrow down the potential of large scale variances in mental imagery associated with the same shared words. This drawing technique is one of many tools available at lIVIN4d's Global Communications Bank.
Returning to the primary focus of this blog; when the body receives external input, an efferent nervous system response occurs. The environmental message enters the body and travels to the brain. 'E'fferent responses include anything 'E'ntering the body from the outside in.
After the efferent message is received in the brain an 'A'fferent nervous system response occurs. 'A'fferent responses include anything moving 'A'way from the brain to body to the outside world.  So  remember "E" for 'E'fferent Enters the body/brain and "A" for 'A'fferent moves Away to the outside world.
Usually, when a stimulus enters the body (soma) or ears (cerebral) via efferent pathways, the soma-neurological or soma-personality signal travels to the brain. The signal then makes a few neurological connections, resulting in the relay of resulting afferent  pathways back to the body or mouth to create a movement or verb response.
What happens when one is burned is quite a different response from the traditional efferent / afferent relay system.  A burn or shock occurs so quickly and is so intense that if the message were to travel to the brain and back, a body would be in severe trouble. There is not enough time for this relay process to occur from a protective standpoint. Instead, the burn or shock signal travels to the spinal cord and gives a quick direct reflex back resulting in a soma pull away. The brain never makes those few neural connections. This biological  transcendent process is an amazing adaptive soma survival technique of our species.
However, when this burn / shock response occurs from an interpersonal perspective, it is not advantageous as the quick reflex usually sounds like "verbal spew" and or physical throwing or hitting. These responses occur at all stages of life. Dependent upon age range, the responses manifest differently. You can imagine this response when applied to ages:
and up and up. Throughout all content of lIVIN4d, chunk ages into these sections for rough and quick reference points for yourself. Adjust greater or lesser spans if personally more suitable. Nothing about lIVIN4d is set in stone, hence the title. (Remember that the brain supposedly stops developing at 24-25 though LIVIN4d  doesn't believe this research. Much research can be seen in the gyri sulci  changes that occur in British taxi cab drivers with the rigorous 3 year road map training they do. lIVIN4d knows that anyone who chooses to change their ways of thinking and being in the world had the power to do so. Furthermore, look at all the stroke and heart attack (with cerebral oxygen deprivation) risers who pick themselves up and retrain their brains.  Therefore, there is substantial evidence in multiple facets of life to surmise that the brain is very malleable with lIVIN4d brain).
When it comes to a relationionship, family interaction, bysiness transaction etc. these shock type reflex psychological responses are not at all advantageous in terms of preserving and feeding a relationship. The personality spinal cord reflexes of mouth and soma include but are not limited to: swears, hitting, physical harm, self sabotage, name calling, past references, tonal responses, eye rolls and facial gestures. Can you imagine some of your responses in the last year or over the course of your lifetime that you are not proud of? Don't blame yourself unless you choose to proceed in that direction. Then do or don't blame yourself that is up to you :)  Your previous responses up to this point can be looked at as if they are shock, burn responses of interpersonal exchanges.
Different people will have different levels of work to do with respect to the amount that of brain training they will need to alter these shock /burn responses. Dependent upon how much grooving (like the river analogy) a brain has had determines how much depth one needs to do the work on for the upward climb. Some have grooved themselves in the depth of the Grand Canyon while others the depth of a stream.  This statement  is not applicable across the board. For some variables, some individuals might be an inch deep and for other variables a mile. And for other people, the reverse. So even if you catch yourself in the comparison blame game, become aware of it, and then remind yourself it is not a universal thought. You can even balance your comparison (whether external or internal) with a complementary reverse comparison to balance out the brain. This concept is drawn parallel to the conceptual underpinnings of Francine Shapiro's EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) developed in the early 1990s.
In any case from this point forward you will have some neuro-soma  and neuro-personality responses that are not of burn / shock value. Specific examples will be provided in a future blog post.
Briefly mentioning, some techniques include:
1.looking at a tree while in an argument,
2. holding some pebbles in hand (NOT TO THROW) to utilize like Asian meditation balls. (Know yourself, if you are a mile deep neural groove as a thrower, do not start with this technique).
3. Smelling some essential oils (adjust smell to your current needs based upon your own judgment of smell ... don't ask the person at the store what is best)
4. Smelling a flower
These are techniques so be utilized while engaged in an interpersonal or self frictional space. There are other somatic techniques to be used for self grounding external to interpersonal frictional spaces.
The main point lIVIN4d wants to bring focus to, (x,y variable) is that it is important to create space in between the burn /shock response, so that the brain has more of a chance to have an efferent, afferent neurological pathway development opportunity so that one can verbally and behaviorally respond in a more optimal fashion.
Be patient with yourself as retraining the brain does not happen overnight though I will say that it will happen much more expediently than one would initially think. Reading this blog post alone is enough to plant the seed and begin putting the seed into planting.  You will notice. "A mind once stretched by the imagination never regains it's original dimensions." Reading this post in itself alone is an imagination stretching exercise.

46. Neurological - Somatic Neurochemical Connection & Expansion

As our somatic beings affect how we are in our relationships (self and other), it is important that we take care of our holding containers of psyche.
The form of our holding containers are extremely influential on our psyches.  We have many below the surface strings that connect our bodies to minds ans minds to bodies. These connections are like puppets' strings attaching neuro-soma/soma-neuro with movable puppets in both directions.
Our cognitive attachments to who we are  and how we are in the world are affected by how we feel within our containers. Our cognitive attachments to how we think and feel about others in the world are affected by how we feel in our containers.
While comparing self to other, other to other or self to self is not ideal with respect to any matter, by default as we are contained in our forms, it is almost inevitable to compare in that our contained forms are the only direct self reference point we have. Comparison in different aspects of life is how we create connection to making sense of our worlds.
(Spell check just corrected to "holding" container to "hiding" container which is an interesting thought)  (A double side note, the regurgitated expression "food for thought" is great to ruminate on. I wonder how much this expression affects the steering of our minds in the direction of food when aren't even hungry? I wonder  how much the expression habituates  our "Sleeping Brain Syndrome?" What would you replacement words be to the repetitive expression?
Again, notice your frequency of repeats of regurgitated expressions throughout your daily life.  Try and excise them as much as possible. Your excision of repeats will open up your cranial routes for increased imagination which will benefit you in many ways including empathic understanding which is one of the main ingredients charismatic and personal success in the world. It is more important to know how to understand and relate to other than any fact you will ever learn in a textbook in school.
In terms of taking care of our soma-bodies (puppets) it is important to notice ourselves on many levels and existences of life. The main aspect to enhancing optimal somatic functioning is the avoidance of routine. Anything somatically routine gets us into muscular and skeletal holding patterns which day after day affects our container's shape that holds our psyches and our lIVIN4d connections among everyone.
When the word "shape" is utilized, we have a tendency to think of our figure (fat, thin, athletic, wasteline). However, our "figures" are the results of many other micromovements and choices affecting them. Traditional figure is not what lIVIN4d  refers to though it must not be conceptually discarded either.
lIVIN4d suggests to notice soma-ways of being in the world and repetitions on all levels of existence. For example, of you are in an office day after day holding the phone in between your head and your left shoulder, your body will be affected both in stature and possible onset of pain. If you continuously use your right hand and arm to open doors etc. over  the years, your soma body will reflect this repetitive motion. If you place your shoes in front of you and look at the heals and the toes of how they are worn with respect to the street, you will notice your bodies tendencies for walking patterns.
Once you notice your repetitive motions,  you can neurologically adjust your soma-body to increase variety in whatever the repetition. To "repeat," repetition is like the carving of the Grand Canyon both of mind and of body. For variables in which you want to strengthen grooves, selective repetition is important, but be very careful to avoid nagging. More on this later. For variables in which repetition is not favorable, the beauty of the mind is that it can build in variety to repetitive patterns once we have awareness of what they are (such as the holding of phone in between head and arm day after day). Even as I type this on my cell phone, I am aware of my repetitive thumb movements. It will be important for me to vary my typing with swift key function as to not give myself Carpel Tunnel Syndrome.
Self awareness of repetitive motions is key to adjustment of your puppet strings. You can adjust your gape if you notice from your shoes that they are being unbalancedly warn favoring the inside foot step or unbalancedly favoring the outside footstep.
These variables and many more are fundamentally important in terms of creating ideal containers for our soma-bodies without the mold factor. As previously mentioned, our soma bodies affect how we feel about ourselves in the world and they affect our interpersonal relations with others. Our puppet manifestations affect how we feel about ourselves in the world, how we view ourselves in the world and how we feel and view others in the world. Our puppet manifestations and abilities to adjust strings affect how we relate to ourselves and other. "Relate" is possibly a better word choice than "compare." I think relations are what we seek to create rather than comparisons. Our puppet strings (relating abilities) affect how we can be helpful to ourselves and to other.
The above writing has described a brief snapshot of soma repetitions and their  disadvantages over time. Again, there are many life aspects in which soma repetitions are important.  Athletic training is a primary example of a benefit to repetitive motions. Again, more detail on soma repetition benefits will be addressed in another blog post.
An important thing to keep in mind is the concept of "Tipping Point." A Tipping Point [TP] is the point in time where an asset changes to a liability and or a liability chances to an asset. The concept of TP is applicable to any repetitive motion as every variable has an intrinsic (+) and (-) factor. The key to optimal functioning is to be able to identify the transition as close to the point in time in which the switch occurs so that you have conto and power to alter your course. Using the athletic training concept to exemplify the importance of repetition, this example also provides a good TP example. Imagine a Blue Jays' pitcher day after day throwing his arm in the strike zone position. Over time, he will most likely develop rotator cuff and or radius/ ulna (any arm related injury or annoyance). This is an example of TP in that his (+), passion and $ making abilities begins a transition to (-), his pain and effect on psyche. If the pitcher can take proper care and maintenance of his body prior to onset of TP, he will do himself a favor on many levels. Of course baseball and all sports teams have Sports Physical Therapists and Kinesiologists and specialized computer programs to monitor these repetitive motions and postpone TP as much as possible.
With respect to all facets of our lives, it is important to have these monitors built into ourselves. Even the baseball pitcher does not have a personal monitor to observe his soma - repetitive functions outside of baseball to alert him when to make appropriate adjustments.
In terms of raising our Kids, let's again look at the Blue Jays' pitching analogy.  Let's relate this repetitive motion concept to all facets of the developmental being with respect to TP, somatic and cerebral holding patterns engrained over the course of time. 
Knowing the concept that each motion has a (+) and (-) intrinsic value, gives us the power to prevent TP from turning (+) to (-) for as long as possible. Even when the TP does turn negative, by knowing the exact point in time of this transiting (the result of self awareness) occurs, gives us the power and the ability to alter our courses and re-steer our cognitive and soma containers / vessels at TP in a (+) re-direction.
The key to knowing TP, is self awareness. In terms of our Kids, we can teach our Kids beginning at early ages how to monitor their own TPs and adjust their own courses whatever the content may be. Yes we can intervene and provide redirect for training model purposes. In am Ideal world however, the earlier Kids learn this self monitoring system, the better as it empowers them to have freedom in their own lives. On a sidenote, the earlier Kid TP is learned by Kid, the more it will decreas parental frustration resulting from continuous repetitions evolving parental nags and Kid tantrums. Teach the Kid how to teach the Kid and everyone will experience freedom.
Also, an important point to make with respect to repetitive pitching motions, Blue Jay birds fly with two wings. They naturally balance themselves.
Teaching ambidexterity to soma-bodies at early ages, avoids the (-) onset of TP for any soma-variable. Teaching ambidexterity also keeps neural pathways across the Corpus Collosum interdynamic. This interdynamic encouragement allows for the logic and the creative mind to remain more fluid and interchangeable.
At present time, we vastly limit our potential of ourselves and our Kids by encouraging one sided body and by default, mental training.
At this point in time it is unknown how much our relationship to self, other and ultimately the productivity of our society can be expanded by having awareness of TP and the encouragement of opening and stimulating both sides of brain and somatic manifestation.
Again, teaching ourselves self awareness to notice our somatic repetitive patterns such as the phone holding referenced above, the more we can make adjustments, the more we can notice our TP and in the long run prevent Sleeping Brain Syndrome, pain, other (-) variables and enhance optimal functioning (+) including life span length.

Friday, 2 October 2015

45. FOX P2 Gene (+/-) The language Style Gene. Which are you?

FOX P2: The Language Style Gene
You can read more about FoxP2 at: as you can also read more about Oxytocin. There is also much research within the NIH and NIMH sites.
The unfortunate aspect to how much if not ALL of current research studies and writings pertaining to Oxytocin and FOX P2 is that they are innately flawed. They take naturally occurring genetic polymorphic allelic variations (differences) occurring among populations from the stance that certain alleles are "better than" others.
This stance is simply not the case, as genetic shift and variation over time and across our topographic earth have contributed to these naturally occurring differences among populations resulting in different styles of thought patterns (cognitive neuronetwork pathways) and different forms of global communication transcendent of spoken language.
In terms of FoxP2 and Oxytocin, the majority of the Asian population is FoxP2 negative. The majority of the Asian population is AA form of Oxytocin.
If you begin reading any scientific literature including that found at NIH and NIMH, you will soon begin to realize that there is a pathologizing of individuals who are AA allelic form of Oxytocin and a pathologizing of individuals who are FOX P2 negative.
The way in which literature pertaining to these two genes is not only conducted wrong, but much of it is set in erroneous parameters and assumptions.
Research is conducted out of this frameworked mentality of "better than" slanted toward the GG and FOX P2 (+) direction being "better than", further building on the 'wrong' stereotyped foundation, as the lens for collecting the research is skewed. (This is not to blame, it is simply to point out from an aerial perspective that our research framework and implementation of its results are erroneous in nature.
Malthus from the Darwinian  age was able to serially scientifically see the big picture, resulting in his contribution of the "missing piece" to aspects of Darwin's theory. A reminder that lIVIN4d refuses to enter the evolution debate as that is not relevant to the premise. lIVIN4d simply references this matter in terms of aerial vision being important).
lIVIN4d opens the door to an aerial 4 dimensional viewing of these personality genes with new light, as it does not view the Asian, some Russian and Indian populations or people containing the AA or FOX P2 form of gene as problematic or in need of medication or help.
(Europeans and North Americans contain these AA and FOX P2 (-)  allelic variations too, however current research suggests it is more rare. This comment is only written for generalized purposes based on current research).
lIVIN4d understands that as a humanity, we can benefit from creating a viable structural support to understand and enhance our individual neuronetworking variations and interpersonal communicational differences thorough an unbiased lens. This unbiased lens will look at Oxytocin and FOX P2 allelic variations naturally occurring among populations from lIVIN4d imensionally.
Fox P2 is located on chromosome 7q31. One either has the gene or one does not. If one has the gene, there is a tendency for more interwoven verbal neuronetworking  communicational patterns. If one does not have the gene, there is a tendency for less interwoven verbal neuronetworking communicational patterns.
More is not better than less, yet as already stated, current research emanates out of the viewpoint that more is better than less in reference to both genes.
Furthermore, it can be seen that in the Pervasive Developmental Disorders including the Aspergers and Autistic ranges that affect children and adults, many of these individuals are FOX P2 negative and AA for Oxytocin.
An argument could easily be made that with our current educational systems and the ways in which we set up our language systemic structures contribute to these conditions in that we may be myopically squeezing AA FOX P2 (-) into a GG FOX P2 (+) world.
Our current GG FOX P 2 world  predominantly operates with linear language. Our languages revolve around the neuronetworking patterns of GG FOX P2 making it very difficult for anyone with other personality make ups to thrive.
Our current educational structure and global languages push people into these GG FOX P2 ranges. Those who exist outside the current normalized range, yet are forced to operate within boxed parameters could easily end up with DSM diagnoses that simply don't exist yet they are created due to faulty construction of not only the DSM but the entire scientific communities underpinnings. 
LIVIN4d speculates that with expanded awareness, 
proper implementation and augmentation of communication and experiential techniques, much of the Pervasive Developmental Disorder line will be elinlminated.
This differential awareness could begin at birth with a simple saliva test and those with GG, AA, AG (+/-) personality types can learn various techniques beneficial to their types and subtypes, as well as interpersonal techniques to enhance their social interaction abilities.
With more than half of our school aged children on mental medications, it's time to redraw the picture rather than refill the same old script. Catch the genetic drift?

Thursday, 1 October 2015

44. lIVIN4d's Family Fantasy Friend's Overview

Family Fantasy Friends Tool Box Overview
"Piggybacking" after the Stoichiometric blogpost of balancing relational exchanges without the pull and/or push current in conjunction with supporting  Tennet 5: The Dopamine Concept, this blogpost serves to provide general framework structure on how to suggest ideas, share together and laugh over the insertion and imposition of self onto other, thus decreasing if not eliminating friction.
This blogpost will not go into vast detail of Family Fantasy Friend examples, as Rusty of California is ready and waiting with that toolbox facet of the Global Communication Bank of lIVIN4d's site content.
In itemized form, the underlying principles to Family Fantasy Friends include:
1. Dopamine Concept: Laughter
2. Character Creations
3. Externalization Techniques
       A. Somatic Movement
       B. Art creations
       C. Props
       D. Analogous Parallels
       E. Role Reversal
       F. Staged Plays
       G. Personification
       H. Singing
        I. Movie and song references
We have a tendency to get stuck in our cerebral selves and the duo (or more) linear word interchange that we:
a. Often forget we have bodies;
b. Have a tendency to get stuck in the word debate in which we really have no clue about the underlying schematic imagery associated with these words below the surface of other's brain.
Therefore, with repect to interchanged words, the frequency of  communication misses or disconnects is vast. There is even a high probability of "thought to be made connections" that are actually not made.
These "thought to be made connections" are the result of (P) and (R) exchanging a set of words and phrases with responded similar or parallel words, leading the Provider and Receiver to believe they are on a shared interchange platform when in fact they are not.
In the above meta-script scenario, a frictional rise may not occur at t(1), but may occur at t(2) when one expects to be going out to family pizza this Friday and the other is at an office meeting due to incongruency of agreement of "Friday" being of this week or next as dialogurd from a previous interchange.
It's not that one is "stupid," self -centered or failed to listen. And it's not that the the other is obtuse, forgetful and/or distespectful. As humans, we often go to this initial blame response, as we have set up our understanding of self and other and oue parallel communication with a tendency to blame. Over the course of time, like rivers carve canyons, this outdated culprit  based language carves neuronal pathways in our brains that make it even quicker to blame.  lIVIN4d sets up a structure to eliminate this engrained frictional discord.
On a somatic level, the frictonal interchange between Provider's and Receiver's neuronetworks cause stress and cortisol to be released, yet we are trapped in our stagnant bodies with no activation of the sympathetic nervous system. When cortisol is released, our nervous system is meant to be in the sympathetic nervous system gear as it is the natural way to release
cortisol. Instead, as we stand there or sit there engaging in frictional discord, our bodies often have the equivalent of a live version of rigormortise set in. We hold our musculature and skeletal selves in  stressful positions and in this realm, it's only a matter of time before either the P or R will explode.
In returning to the concept of meta-talk and semantics, this "missed platform friction" of "same interchanged words" can easily be avoided by incorporating other modalities of interchange.
As the simple Friday incongruency example was presented above, it can be seen how easily a disconnect can happen. Can you think of personalized disconnect scenarios that have happened between you and other in your life?
This disconnect can happen to any of us regardless of cGPT dynamics. The fact that biology presents us with 3 unique Genetic Personality Types based on Chromosome 3p25 coding for unique Oxytocin spectrums in conjunction with 3 subtypes of cGPTS resulting in a (+/-) language style due to allelic  variances located on Chromosome 7 coding for FOX P2 increases the potential for disconnect even more.
The high level of interpersonal  frictional discord manifests in:
1. Divorce level
2. The amount of people on mental medication and
3. Number of students on Individualized Educational Plans (IEPs).
lIVIN4d sets out to reconstruct our understandings of each other to allow for harmonious relational diffusion by designing a personality complementary code to our existing genetic personality variances.
Let's examine the Friday agreement incongruency through a biological lens. A gGPT, an oGPT and a bGPT with a (+/-) subgroup orientation of FOX P2 creates 6 different possible schematic imagery patterns available to genetically manifest within each individual. With 6 differences in human personality types, the combination of relational types is 6!:
oGPT+ with oGBT+
oGPT+ with oGBT-
oGPT- with oGPT-
bGPT+ with bGBT+
bGPT+ with bGBT-
bGPT- with bGPT-
gGPT+ with gGBT+
gGPT+ with gGBT-
gGPT- with gGPT-
oGPT+ with bGBT+
oGPT+ with bGBT-
oGPT- with bGPT+
oGPT- with bGPT-
bGPT+ with gGBT+
bGPT+ with gGBT-
bGPT- with gGPT+
bGPT- with gGPT-
oGPT+ with gGBT+
oGPT+ with gGBT-
oGPT- with gGPT+
oGPT- with gGPT-
Now that lIVIN4d has presented the cGPT(+/-) possible combinations and it seems quite complicated, it really is not complicated. The more we have understandings of language current possibilities, the more we can control the flow interchange without controlling the person.
Dependent upon the above dynamics, there are unique language flows.  Consequently, there are unique sets of language tools in order to optimize each interpersonal flow or exchange.
lIVIN4d provides these language and interaction tools within the Global Communications Bank, of which 2 subdivisions (as above mentioned) include: The Dopamine Concept and Family Fantasy Friends.
(Further investigative scientific  studies need to be conducted in order to look at trends and tendencies of schematic mental imagery associated with the unique human Personality types (3 cGPTs and 2 subtype options). Of course, these scientific research studies can be implemented and I don't need to state that anyone is welcomed to embark on them (though I just did). lIVIN4d  takes a more direct route to success which is the tools available at the GCB.
Underpinnings of connection tools located at GCB include:
1. Anything that makes us laugh elevates dopamine levels and enhances neuro-network wirings  and connections between self/self and self/other.
2. Anything that somatically engages our bodies and external tools.
As mentioned above the way our language is designed results in much interpersonal friction and disconnect. Our current global language result in Sleeping Brain Syndrome for a myriad of reasons including our tendency to use regurgitated phrases and oversimplified lanuage. The answer isn't in complicating language and inundating flow, rather it is opening up many streams of flow.
Just as one typically drives the same daily route to work, we also have a tendency to utilize the same neural highways and pathways.
Using the same neural roads day after day, contributes to Sleeping Brain Syndrome. Sleeping Brain Syndrome conceptually includes: lazy brain, regurgitated brain, sad brain, friction oriented brain and the anger brain. Picture a comic strip and insert your own metaphorical imagery for the above descriptions. You can even have fun talking about this with a partner and "sharing" the ideas.
From a neuro-network perspective, once in while, we will take an alternate route of thinking or communication that results in relational success or closeness. This alternate route is often due to an accidental mistake, the equivalent of a road detour.
While at first, one's initial reaction to this "detour" might be friction in nature, if we remind ourselves to change brain channels to the internal and shared Disney chanel of our minds F^3, whether with family or not, we will soon be able to become aware of dopamine inducing "happier" things on this detour.
In an ideal world, this metaphorical road "detour" would neurologically occur from an internal frame of reference rather than the external detour sign reminding us to switch gears from current road to the F^3 channel.  There is nothing wrong with metaphorically having a passenger in the car or a companion to help in the switching channel concept. We often can get stuck in familiar ruts and this includes within the neurological arena. Whether from driver or passenger, R or P, it is important to make attempts to internalize the beginnings of manifesting neurodetours rather than relying on external signs.
When someone tries something new (as in a detour), there is often an initial negative neural response. We may be frustrated our drive to work is interrupted and that we are hassled.
As mentiomed above, there is a tendency to live in negative neuronal frameworks resulting from: fatigue, disconnecting with family, exhausted from kids, chores, blah blah blah, so when the road detour arises, it can easily add to our upset and initial frustration reaction.
However, if we remain open minded, on that detour, one might begin to notice the chirping birds or interesting lyrics on the radio. One might notice a pretty hat on a person in the parallel car or some pretty flowers on a tree. One might even become more aware of pleasant smells.
Speaking of trees, the more we "prune" our neuronetworks like trees, by focusing on somatic and external things as well as internal imaginative laughter scenarios, the more flowing dopamine current neuro-connections are made and the easier it will be to revisit these currents in the future. This concept is referred to as neuro-habituation.
On a self, interpersonal level and family level, this internal imaginative and externally engaged neural pruning and habitation is advantageous as the Imagining detoured Mind, unlike the Sleeping Brain Syndrome helps to build self and interpersonal connections based in dopamine. Dopamine slows down friction and promotes accelerated "happy" current flow between self/self and self/other.
Nothing wrong with accidental mistakes to begin a change processes. Using the road analogy from above, forced detours can provide beautiful scenery and altered viewpoints.
From a medical perspective, we often discover many cures from secondary "mistakes or offshoots" from the initial intent of applied medication. This medication's secondary advantage is then created into a new medication targetes specifically for that secondary purpose. Therefore the medication becomes the new primary medication for the mistake rather than it being a mistake.
lIVIN4d encourages trying new mental and somatic things, parallel to the road detour concept and the 2' gain in 1' medication factor. Initial response may be bumpy or feel different, but in a matter of time, utilizing the Dopamine Concept and opening up imagination will become easier and more fluid.
Other than building external-internal dopamine neural connections to body and mind, utilizing experiential and somatic methods of communication are important for increasing flow between self and between/among self and other.
The more we utilize communication beyond our mouths, the more likely we are to connect with one another. Incorporating somatic language and externalization techniques  bipasses the chance of language error as the 3cGPTs (+/-) have unique language wirings.
Utilizing lIVIN4d's character creations and externalization techniques listed above contributes to "happier" and more connected interpersonal relations than word talk alone because more currents are utilized for connection.
Imagine one water stream connecting two points versus 10 water steams connecting two points. With two points share more "flow?" Ten streams.
If it possible to connect with many currents or flows as is outlined in lIVIN4d, then why do we predominantly limit ourselves to the use of words?
In staying with the water stream scenario, imagine one water stream between two points having a disconnect in flow such as a fallen rock obstruction. Now imagine 10 streams between to points, one having a rock disconnect in flow.
In which scenario is the overall current of connection more interrupted? The water stream with one connection current.
This increasing current metaphor is analogous to utilizing livin4d's Global Communication Bank's tools, of which this blog post roughly  addresses 3 subdivisions:
1. Dopamine Concept: Laughter
2. Character Creations
3. Externalization Techniques
       A. Somatic Movement
       B. Art creations
       C. Props
       D. Analogous Parallels
       E. Role Reversal
       F. Staged Plays
       G. Personification
       H. Singing
        I. Movie and song references
The more shared streams between or among people, the greater the connectivity flow.

43. Family Fantasy Friends: Families and Children

Family Fantasy Friends Shared Logo
The toolbox for children and families containing dopamine eliciting experiential techniques is one facet of lIVIN4d's online Global Communications Bank and is known as "Family Fantasy Friends" or F^3.
lIVIN4d's "Family Fantasy Friends' " amazing sublogo to lIVIN4d's logo is that of a killer whale (not accessible at current time by me). This killer whale logo was designed by Rusty of California without the oxidation factor. Rusty is an amazing html coder, graphic designer and computer whiz at everything.
A description of lIVIN4d's logo is important to me as it symbolically represents lIVIN4d. As an electron is in constant motion, yet very contained, so too is lIVIN4d's conceptual logo, as can be viewed
in the attached diagram. The logo also represents the interconnectedness yet uniqueness  of the 3 cGPTs.
As the Family Fantasy Friends (F^3) subdivision of lIVIN4d's GCB is geared toward children, so too is it's symbolic representation.
As the F^3 component of lIVIN4d is built, the logo vision is for children and families on a daily or weekly basis to showcase their unique elemental designs as is represented in the killer whale version of lIVIN4d's logo. Logos will be selected based on supporting lIVIN4d's main premises of:
1.Fluidity over stagnation
2. Interconnection while maintaining individuality
3. Humor
If people choose to build this vast website of hosted through, it is important to keep these concepts in mind and the involvement of families and children on a levels as it is an interactive process.
As will be described in further detail at a later point in time lIVIN4d's Family Fantasy Friends  is the involved shared interpersonal  databan  of fictonal characters created by the global community, hence it is important to also have shared display in represented logo.