Family Fantasy Friends Tool Box Overview
"Piggybacking" after the Stoichiometric blogpost of balancing relational exchanges without the pull and/or push current in conjunction with supporting Tennet 5: The Dopamine Concept, this blogpost serves to provide general framework structure on how to suggest ideas, share together and laugh over the insertion and imposition of self onto other, thus decreasing if not eliminating friction.
This blogpost will not go into vast detail of Family Fantasy Friend examples, as Rusty of California is ready and waiting with that toolbox facet of the Global Communication Bank of lIVIN4d's site content.
In itemized form, the underlying principles to Family Fantasy Friends include:
1. Dopamine Concept: Laughter
2. Character Creations
3. Externalization Techniques
A. Somatic Movement
B. Art creations
C. Props
D. Analogous Parallels
E. Role Reversal
F. Staged Plays
G. Personification
H. Singing
I. Movie and song references
We have a tendency to get stuck in our cerebral selves and the duo (or more) linear word interchange that we:
a. Often forget we have bodies;
b. Have a tendency to get stuck in the word debate in which we really have no clue about the underlying schematic imagery associated with these words below the surface of other's brain.
Therefore, with repect to interchanged words, the frequency of communication misses or disconnects is vast. There is even a high probability of "thought to be made connections" that are actually not made.
These "thought to be made connections" are the result of (P) and (R) exchanging a set of words and phrases with responded similar or parallel words, leading the Provider and Receiver to believe they are on a shared interchange platform when in fact they are not.
In the above meta-script scenario, a frictional rise may not occur at t(1), but may occur at t(2) when one expects to be going out to family pizza this Friday and the other is at an office meeting due to incongruency of agreement of "Friday" being of this week or next as dialogurd from a previous interchange.
It's not that one is "stupid," self -centered or failed to listen. And it's not that the the other is obtuse, forgetful and/or distespectful. As humans, we often go to this initial blame response, as we have set up our understanding of self and other and oue parallel communication with a tendency to blame. Over the course of time, like rivers carve canyons, this outdated culprit based language carves neuronal pathways in our brains that make it even quicker to blame. lIVIN4d sets up a structure to eliminate this engrained frictional discord.
On a somatic level, the frictonal interchange between Provider's and Receiver's neuronetworks cause stress and cortisol to be released, yet we are trapped in our stagnant bodies with no activation of the sympathetic nervous system. When cortisol is released, our nervous system is meant to be in the sympathetic nervous system gear as it is the natural way to release
cortisol. Instead, as we stand there or sit there engaging in frictional discord, our bodies often have the equivalent of a live version of rigormortise set in. We hold our musculature and skeletal selves in stressful positions and in this realm, it's only a matter of time before either the P or R will explode.
In returning to the concept of meta-talk and semantics, this "missed platform friction" of "same interchanged words" can easily be avoided by incorporating other modalities of interchange.
As the simple Friday incongruency example was presented above, it can be seen how easily a disconnect can happen. Can you think of personalized disconnect scenarios that have happened between you and other in your life?
This disconnect can happen to any of us regardless of cGPT dynamics. The fact that biology presents us with 3 unique Genetic Personality Types based on Chromosome 3p25 coding for unique Oxytocin spectrums in conjunction with 3 subtypes of cGPTS resulting in a (+/-) language style due to allelic variances located on Chromosome 7 coding for FOX P2 increases the potential for disconnect even more.
The high level of interpersonal frictional discord manifests in:
1. Divorce level
2. The amount of people on mental medication and
3. Number of students on Individualized Educational Plans (IEPs).
lIVIN4d sets out to reconstruct our understandings of each other to allow for harmonious relational diffusion by designing a personality complementary code to our existing genetic personality variances.
Let's examine the Friday agreement incongruency through a biological lens. A gGPT, an oGPT and a bGPT with a (+/-) subgroup orientation of FOX P2 creates 6 different possible schematic imagery patterns available to genetically manifest within each individual. With 6 differences in human personality types, the combination of relational types is 6!:
oGPT+ with oGBT+
oGPT+ with oGBT-
oGPT- with oGPT-
bGPT+ with bGBT+
bGPT+ with bGBT-
bGPT- with bGPT-
gGPT+ with gGBT+
gGPT+ with gGBT-
gGPT- with gGPT-
oGPT+ with bGBT+
oGPT+ with bGBT-
oGPT- with bGPT+
oGPT- with bGPT-
bGPT+ with gGBT+
bGPT+ with gGBT-
bGPT- with gGPT+
bGPT- with gGPT-
oGPT+ with gGBT+
oGPT+ with gGBT-
oGPT- with gGPT+
oGPT- with gGPT-
Now that lIVIN4d has presented the cGPT(+/-) possible combinations and it seems quite complicated, it really is not complicated. The more we have understandings of language current possibilities, the more we can control the flow interchange without controlling the person.
Dependent upon the above dynamics, there are unique language flows. Consequently, there are unique sets of language tools in order to optimize each interpersonal flow or exchange.
lIVIN4d provides these language and interaction tools within the Global Communications Bank, of which 2 subdivisions (as above mentioned) include: The Dopamine Concept and Family Fantasy Friends.
(Further investigative scientific studies need to be conducted in order to look at trends and tendencies of schematic mental imagery associated with the unique human Personality types (3 cGPTs and 2 subtype options). Of course, these scientific research studies can be implemented and I don't need to state that anyone is welcomed to embark on them (though I just did). lIVIN4d takes a more direct route to success which is the tools available at the GCB.
Underpinnings of connection tools located at GCB include:
1. Anything that makes us laugh elevates dopamine levels and enhances neuro-network wirings and connections between self/self and self/other.
2. Anything that somatically engages our bodies and external tools.
As mentioned above the way our language is designed results in much interpersonal friction and disconnect. Our current global language result in Sleeping Brain Syndrome for a myriad of reasons including our tendency to use regurgitated phrases and oversimplified lanuage. The answer isn't in complicating language and inundating flow, rather it is opening up many streams of flow.
Just as one typically drives the same daily route to work, we also have a tendency to utilize the same neural highways and pathways.
Using the same neural roads day after day, contributes to Sleeping Brain Syndrome. Sleeping Brain Syndrome conceptually includes: lazy brain, regurgitated brain, sad brain, friction oriented brain and the anger brain. Picture a comic strip and insert your own metaphorical imagery for the above descriptions. You can even have fun talking about this with a partner and "sharing" the ideas.
From a neuro-network perspective, once in while, we will take an alternate route of thinking or communication that results in relational success or closeness. This alternate route is often due to an accidental mistake, the equivalent of a road detour.
While at first, one's initial reaction to this "detour" might be friction in nature, if we remind ourselves to change brain channels to the internal and shared Disney chanel of our minds F^3, whether with family or not, we will soon be able to become aware of dopamine inducing "happier" things on this detour.
In an ideal world, this metaphorical road "detour" would neurologically occur from an internal frame of reference rather than the external detour sign reminding us to switch gears from current road to the F^3 channel. There is nothing wrong with metaphorically having a passenger in the car or a companion to help in the switching channel concept. We often can get stuck in familiar ruts and this includes within the neurological arena. Whether from driver or passenger, R or P, it is important to make attempts to internalize the beginnings of manifesting neurodetours rather than relying on external signs.
When someone tries something new (as in a detour), there is often an initial negative neural response. We may be frustrated our drive to work is interrupted and that we are hassled.
As mentiomed above, there is a tendency to live in negative neuronal frameworks resulting from: fatigue, disconnecting with family, exhausted from kids, chores, blah blah blah, so when the road detour arises, it can easily add to our upset and initial frustration reaction.
However, if we remain open minded, on that detour, one might begin to notice the chirping birds or interesting lyrics on the radio. One might notice a pretty hat on a person in the parallel car or some pretty flowers on a tree. One might even become more aware of pleasant smells.
Speaking of trees, the more we "prune" our neuronetworks like trees, by focusing on somatic and external things as well as internal imaginative laughter scenarios, the more flowing dopamine current neuro-connections are made and the easier it will be to revisit these currents in the future. This concept is referred to as neuro-habituation.
On a self, interpersonal level and family level, this internal imaginative and externally engaged neural pruning and habitation is advantageous as the Imagining detoured Mind, unlike the Sleeping Brain Syndrome helps to build self and interpersonal connections based in dopamine. Dopamine slows down friction and promotes accelerated "happy" current flow between self/self and self/other.
Nothing wrong with accidental mistakes to begin a change processes. Using the road analogy from above, forced detours can provide beautiful scenery and altered viewpoints.
From a medical perspective, we often discover many cures from secondary "mistakes or offshoots" from the initial intent of applied medication. This medication's secondary advantage is then created into a new medication targetes specifically for that secondary purpose. Therefore the medication becomes the new primary medication for the mistake rather than it being a mistake.
lIVIN4d encourages trying new mental and somatic things, parallel to the road detour concept and the 2' gain in 1' medication factor. Initial response may be bumpy or feel different, but in a matter of time, utilizing the Dopamine Concept and opening up imagination will become easier and more fluid.
Other than building external-internal dopamine neural connections to body and mind, utilizing experiential and somatic methods of communication are important for increasing flow between self and between/among self and other.
The more we utilize communication beyond our mouths, the more likely we are to connect with one another. Incorporating somatic language and externalization techniques bipasses the chance of language error as the 3cGPTs (+/-) have unique language wirings.
Utilizing lIVIN4d's character creations and externalization techniques listed above contributes to "happier" and more connected interpersonal relations than word talk alone because more currents are utilized for connection.
Imagine one water stream connecting two points versus 10 water steams connecting two points. With two points share more "flow?" Ten streams.
If it possible to connect with many currents or flows as is outlined in lIVIN4d, then why do we predominantly limit ourselves to the use of words?
In staying with the water stream scenario, imagine one water stream between two points having a disconnect in flow such as a fallen rock obstruction. Now imagine 10 streams between to points, one having a rock disconnect in flow.
In which scenario is the overall current of connection more interrupted? The water stream with one connection current.
This increasing current metaphor is analogous to utilizing livin4d's Global Communication Bank's tools, of which this blog post roughly addresses 3 subdivisions:
1. Dopamine Concept: Laughter
2. Character Creations
3. Externalization Techniques
A. Somatic Movement
B. Art creations
C. Props
D. Analogous Parallels
E. Role Reversal
F. Staged Plays
G. Personification
H. Singing
I. Movie and song references
The more shared streams between or among people, the greater the connectivity flow.